Feeling ready to tell friends... Help!

I got my aspergers diagnosis in January this year aged 38.  I have had the same group of girl friends since I was 18 (from university) and I feel ready to tell them. Partly to help to explain some of my behaviour over the years and partly as a "thanks" for sticking around and putting up with me!

I think they will be surprised. At my assessment /diagnosis the psychologist said I was one of the best 'maskers' he'd ever seen. 

Up until now I've only told my family (including inlaws) and one work colleague who is probably my closest friend since we spend so much time together. They were all surprised. My husband is the only person who wasnt at all surprised! 

Sometimes I think they are only surprised because I don't look or behave (outwardly) like what they perceive as a "typical" autistic person! Unamused

Don't think I can face doing it in person (there's 8 of us) so I'm going to post it in a private group we have. 

Up until now I've only told my family and my work colleague who is probably my closest friend since we spend so much time together. 

Can anybody give me any advice or share their experience?

Any help much appreciated 

  • I say go for it, and do it in whatever way feels comfortable to you. Chances are, your friends already know. They might not have a name for it but it will make sense once you tell them. And good friends of the sort you keep for 20 years won't think any different about you after than they did before. Good luck and be brave! 

     B x

  • I say go for it, and do it in whatever way feels comfortable to you. Chances are, your friends already know. They might not have a name for it but it will make sense once you tell them. And good friends of the sort you keep for 20 years won't think any different about you after than they did before. Good luck and be brave! 

     B x

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