Set up

I recently tried to help an organisation as I thought it the right thing to do

The organisation publicly tagged myself and my team into pictures saying thank you for our work. The pictures were of a different area so I was confused but left it at that. Then the main person said one person had done most of the work but hadn't wanted to be named. 1 he had no work or very little in his area (the area I was associated with) and 2 he didnt even wave and treated us with contempt if we ever crossed paths. But I ignored it.

Now alot of people have been upset by pretty much vandalism in this area he was in. People saw us tagged on facebook and blamed us. Theres a hate campaign type thing going on. I'm losing sleep and getting asked on my daily walks why it happened and I genuinely dont know.

I commented on one post saying I'm genuinely sorry it happened and dont agree with it but it wasent us and I said what work we done.

I then got a private message from the organiser telling me not to reply publicly! I replied I will if we're getting accused of something we havent done.

I waited as I hoped she would put people straight. She didnt.

Speaking to a fellow volunteer I hear it was the organiser and her partner and they took great joy in it.

I cant prove this, but it makes sense why he didnt want to be tagged, they didnt actually need us they were quite capable it turned out. 

I honestly feel this has been a set up to pin their sketchy deeds onto us

So today I'm calling the boss, they will have an ultimatum. They publically tell people we're not involved or I will be doing it for them

I'm worried, I get shaky, I've again lost faith in humanity. 

I shouldnt have to deal with this by trying to do the right thing. I'm disgusted and disappointed. Scared and anxious. I've melted down, shutdown, lost sleep

Why do people think they can do this to us?

  • I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I really don't understand some people. I think you're doing the right thing by standing up for yourself and getting in touch with their boss. 

    I really hope things settle down and you feel better soon.

  • So the boss said things will blow over. I said your potentially affecting peoples business as one person is now a target of hate. Hows he to support his family, especially at the moment. I also said what happened was nothing to do with us at all. We tried to do a good deed but feel we were used as a scapegoat. I said all this nicely as possible. I explained I'm losing sleep, people approach me in the street! I said if you dont put up a statement telling them it wasent the volunteers then I will. She said I should wait. She calls me later she will issue a statement I said again I want our names used saying we were in no way involved. The statement is released but it simply said the people working for the place were responsible. It doesn't say the volunteers arent. So I mulled it over. I decided okay I'll accept that. As its late I messaged rather than called. I said thank you for the statement I appreciate it. She replied your welcome, thank you for all you do (thank you in caps) I said thanks care she replied mmmmmmm. So confused by the mmmmmmm bit. Its upset me more tbh as I could have called them out on so much and I think they know this. These should be people you can trust. I feel i can trust no one. So upset. Plus they know I'm asd so I wonder if they thought they could try this on

  • It will not blow over because algorithms will not let blow over. Unless Facebook gets totally erased from reality your stuff is set in stone in ways that most can’t comprehend. 

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