Diagnosed today


Today I was diagnosed with Autism.

Feeling good and bad.

  • https://www.autism.org.uk/about/diagnosis/adults/after.aspx

    Greetings... the link I post is (apparently) the latest link to a page from NAS about "post diagnosis"... Maybe this will be useful to read. And also check out this forum - the search box is upon the Home page, top right, three lines.

    ...Regardless of this, sorry, I was just wondering: How did You manage to get a diagnosis (official?) during all of this so-called "lockdown" business? (I think it possible in a virtual way, but I was wondering how You did it.) It would be helpful to know due to an awful lot of posts here lately stating that They cannot get a diagnosis due to not being able to visit a Hospital/Assessor *in person*.

    ...After all of that... Welcome to the Forum, have a look around, and feel free to reply (politely) to anything/anyone. There are good points and bad points about Autism exactly as there are good points and bad points about being Allistic (non-Autistic/"NT")... and also about life in general. Just think about Your own strengths, what You enjoy, and focus upon building  those.

    Good Luck.

  • Hi  I had a one face to face session (pre covid) then a long phone call and finallly an asseessment with Zoom. They also spoke to my wife and my Mother

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