Anyone nervous about lockdown restrictions ending?

So Boris is gonna make a speech on Sunday about lifting some restrictions. Anyone nervous about what this will mean for expectations to return to daily struggle of 'fitting in' and going out.

I hope the 'bubble thing' happens but is more restrictive than 10 or clearly not more than 2 households (regardless of how many live in each household - my closest family members also live alone so technically that's only 3 of us)  so I can see close family without the expectations of having to meet up socially again with other 'acquaintances'?  (who want to see me more than I want to see them)

  • I've not been on this forum for AGES, but came on to see if people were feeling like me about this.  Seems a lot of you are!  Lockdown didn't really change my life in a bad way.  I wasn't working, and I don't really have friends and family locally.  For me it meant less pressure, less noise and traffic (I'm in London), less pollution!  I can't believe how clear the air has been.  I even sort of enjoyed the queues at the supermarkets!  One of the biggest triggers for meltdown for me is being stuck in a queue with someone who thinks the closer they stand to me the better.  A few weeks ago I actually got told I could jump the queue (I have grey hair now, so they thought I was old enough!), but I stayed where I was because it was so much nicer than normal queues.

    As it is things have been gradually getting worse. My local park was too packed on Friday for me to feel safe going in.  And now people have been given official sanction to stay there all day if they want...  Today I'm sure I can already hear more traffic.

    I really want to get out of London to have a little place in the country.  I'd like to do something under the 'One Planet' rules in Wales.  Not sure how I'll manage it.  But this has made me more aware how wrong living in London is for me.

    I wish there were generally less people.  I don't wish harm on anyone alive now, but wish they'd have less kids! I have a feeling population will see another spike in 9 months though.  I have a feeling quite a few bored sociable types will be 'making babies' right now!

  • I'm not sure what 'one planet rules' is in wales?

  • It's a special planning scheme. Basically if you get a piece of land there, and can show you can make a living from it and will live on it in a sustainable, off grid way, then you are allowed to build a dwelling for yourself.  Most places in the UK it's difficult (and risky) to try and get permission to live on land if it hasn't already got a house on it, and land with housing or planning permission is really expensive.

  • It's a special planning scheme. Basically if you get a piece of land there, and can show you can make a living from it and will live on it in a sustainable, off grid way, then you are allowed to build a dwelling for yourself.  Most places in the UK it's difficult (and risky) to try and get permission to live on land if it hasn't already got a house on it, and land with housing or planning permission is really expensive.
