Support is too difficult

I put an ad up for a support worker and the responses were pretty awful overall. People with either no experience or no interest in the line of work I was advertising applying. Not that many responses anyway. And I've taken someone on but I have OCD and this was made clear in the interview how I'm obsessive about cleanliness.

Anyway today while out with them on the first day they touched several hand rails while out and about. My impression is this means they don't understand OCD. Furthermore touching handrails during the Coronavirus crisis is even more dangerous as I've read the virus can stay on them for up to 72 hours.

I really do think this life is laughing at me. My mother and I spent months trying to get help, a long complaining process was involved. I took someone on perhaps too soon, because I was struggling so much to find someone despite placing an ad several times. I was worried the social worker would withdraw the funding I've been allocated.

It's all so complicated and stressful. Wish I knew what to do! Sorry for burdening you with it too.

  • I agree with Anthony. The care worker won't be an expert in you yet as they've only just met you. I understand that if one person has betrayed your trust, like your mother, it can be difficult to let people in but if you don't give people a chance then they'll never be able to show you what they capable of.

    Have you sat down with this individual yet and gone through a clear set of guidelines, for example, about handrails or your bathroom? I'd imagine if you could write this down for the care worker this would be incredibly helpful.

  • Yes you're right I think. I need to give them a chance and make guidelines clear.

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