Corona - noises just aren’t right

I’ve been trying to go out for a daily walk but finding myself visually overwhelmed, things seem to be extra vivid. One thing I’m finding exceptionally difficult is the noise. That might sound weird as there are less cars rumbling along, less people, less industrial work etc. I’m finding I just can’t cope with birds tweeting, the howling wind - these noises just aren’t right & don’t follow the rules of daily living in the current climate. It’s all wrong. Is anyone else experiencing similar problems?

  • have you tried wearing earplugs, or listening to music whilst you walk?

  • Hi! I’m just testing a pair that I bought around the house so I can get an idea of how they affect certain noises, tones and frequencies. I may try another short walk tomorrow along a road but where there are no driveways in case they impair hearing to an extent where I could put myself in danger. I’ve been wary of these so far as it means I’ll in effect lose this sense which might then impact detrimentally on my others. But, I guess if I don’t try, I won’t know!

  • Hi! I’m just testing a pair that I bought around the house so I can get an idea of how they affect certain noises, tones and frequencies. I may try another short walk tomorrow along a road but where there are no driveways in case they impair hearing to an extent where I could put myself in danger. I’ve been wary of these so far as it means I’ll in effect lose this sense which might then impact detrimentally on my others. But, I guess if I don’t try, I won’t know!

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