Corona and NT's

As you know I have this awful virus. I've gotten over the worst. I've felt suicidal but not told anyone. I have put posts on facebook trying to reach out in my darkest times. 

When I've fallen snd gone blue from breathing issues, been stuck home 2 weeks. When I'm the one always asking if people are okay. Yet no one asks are you okay

I put an apology on facebook for my sad posts and not being myself and explained how scarey it's been as I cant breath. But no ones contacted me etc. No ones said are you okay. I feel even more alone. People say it cant be the virus it's just flu. Yet the drs and ambulance said otherwise. They say your dramatic or it's a cold. Theres others I later found out around here who have it but it's not in the papers so i guess people dont believe. I feel really alone

So today I try be happier. I sent a joke video I was sent to someone who always sends jokes etc as kind of a 'hello I'm no longer feeling dark' but he posted on Facebook about how annoyed he is at messages. (1st one I've sent) I apologise and said I thought youd like it. He dicnt reply but replied to someone else how annoying it is and he will block people. So I just deleted him. I'm not going to feel grateful for his attention. This person also told me about a job where he worked a little while ago. I applied wasent successful. He told me to try again for same job less hours. I did and heard nothing back. Considering he has say in the hiring and theyve not even acknowledged my application etc I'm thinking why would you do that?

I dont understand why people post 'suicide always here's rubbish when they really arent. Same with corona, they bang on about loneliness in isolation after a few days yet when someones in complete isolation a d been alone longer they literally dont care.

I'm feeling the nt people are selfish again today

I do so much for others, where are they when you need someone?

  • This whoe thing exposes these things for what they are. I was ready to try and rejoin there game of illusion (society) a week before lockdown but now this has exposed NTs as utter peices of dirt. It is them who have caused it - with any luck it will wipe most of them out and leave then planet to Aspies

  • This whoe thing exposes these things for what they are. I was ready to try and rejoin there game of illusion (society) a week before lockdown but now this has exposed NTs as utter peices of dirt. It is them who have caused it - with any luck it will wipe most of them out and leave then planet to Aspies

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