Corona and NT's

As you know I have this awful virus. I've gotten over the worst. I've felt suicidal but not told anyone. I have put posts on facebook trying to reach out in my darkest times. 

When I've fallen snd gone blue from breathing issues, been stuck home 2 weeks. When I'm the one always asking if people are okay. Yet no one asks are you okay

I put an apology on facebook for my sad posts and not being myself and explained how scarey it's been as I cant breath. But no ones contacted me etc. No ones said are you okay. I feel even more alone. People say it cant be the virus it's just flu. Yet the drs and ambulance said otherwise. They say your dramatic or it's a cold. Theres others I later found out around here who have it but it's not in the papers so i guess people dont believe. I feel really alone

So today I try be happier. I sent a joke video I was sent to someone who always sends jokes etc as kind of a 'hello I'm no longer feeling dark' but he posted on Facebook about how annoyed he is at messages. (1st one I've sent) I apologise and said I thought youd like it. He dicnt reply but replied to someone else how annoying it is and he will block people. So I just deleted him. I'm not going to feel grateful for his attention. This person also told me about a job where he worked a little while ago. I applied wasent successful. He told me to try again for same job less hours. I did and heard nothing back. Considering he has say in the hiring and theyve not even acknowledged my application etc I'm thinking why would you do that?

I dont understand why people post 'suicide always here's rubbish when they really arent. Same with corona, they bang on about loneliness in isolation after a few days yet when someones in complete isolation a d been alone longer they literally dont care.

I'm feeling the nt people are selfish again today

I do so much for others, where are they when you need someone?

  • Hi Mouse

    I'm feeling the same thing - I've been sending out e-mails to friends & family but replies are rare and often non-existent - they are obviously on my mind so I enquire about their status - are they ok for food, meds (& toilet rolls) etc.- but no-one asks if I'm ok.     (I am ok - just a little concerned because I have no immune system - I could do without any virus right now).

    People seem very wrapped up in their own misery and appear to have little real concern for others.

    Are you ok now?

    (ps - I'm not getting notifications so I have to spot if anyone replies to my posts).

  • Also I'm still breathless but no where near as bad as I was. I couldnt even talk 2words before gasping for air and trying to keep strength up by eating was impossible for 2 days. I'm making up for it now though with talking and eating lol. My cousin is grieving bless her (her partner passed but not from the virus) shes terrified of getting the virus and leaving her kids as orphans.shes been the only person texting me so she knows how bad I've been.  Weve supported each other.She queued for ages in the supermarket just for essentials then got left in floods of tears as she wasent seen as vulnerable so they were letting older people go in front even though she explained her anxiety, worried about leaving her kids alone whilst she shopped (no slots online) and shes alone as her partner died. The security guard said the most vile things to her shes in pieces. She only said she couldnt stay in their any longer either.This is upsetting me, wheres the humanity gone? Vulnerability isnt just the elderly, she didnt 'look' vulnerable so it opened her up to abuse :( food wise I've just gone without. I managed to get one shop online but we're rationing until the next shop in a few weeks so we're lucky. I think of all the poor people who 'look okay' that are suffering right now. That cant cope at the best of times in busy places, that have invisible illnesses. Sad times

  • I’m really sorry to hear that Disappointed 

    I’m losing  faith in humanity but then, we’re nothing more than a bunch of apes (only more proficient at faking, manipulating and pretending)

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