Thoughts after diagnosis

It’s four days since I got diagnosed, in this time things have been hard. What with the virus and the autism diagnosis, my head has been spinning. To be honest I’m struggling, mainly due family not being supportive. My work colleagues and supervisor have been awesome an my friends are happy for me.

It’s my family that have hurt me, by being dismissive.

  • Would it help getting a couple of websites up on your computer/tablet that can explain (in not too many words) what autism is/does & literally handing over the tablet to your family, telling them how important this is for you, and then leaving them to it for a couple of hours to allow them to digest the information. I used this technique, (in written form) for various issues, I’d leave them by the kettle for my family & then would go out & stay out all evening. This helped me as I wasn’t bombarded by questions (which can in time be discussed) or interrupted when trying to verbalise how I was feeling or what the issue was. Staying out all night might be a tad over the top though!

  • Would it help getting a couple of websites up on your computer/tablet that can explain (in not too many words) what autism is/does & literally handing over the tablet to your family, telling them how important this is for you, and then leaving them to it for a couple of hours to allow them to digest the information. I used this technique, (in written form) for various issues, I’d leave them by the kettle for my family & then would go out & stay out all evening. This helped me as I wasn’t bombarded by questions (which can in time be discussed) or interrupted when trying to verbalise how I was feeling or what the issue was. Staying out all night might be a tad over the top though!

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