Unable to come to terms with bad events and move on - Is this all autism

I keep posting on here about the same event which I seem totally fixated on and seem unable to move on in my life after years of trying.

Has anyone found an effective way to move on?

Medication no help, psychotherapy no help


  • Dave, as far as I can see, your way forward is very clear.

    All you need to do is stop moping around and write off your losses - you're not going to turn history back.

    Then decide who you want in that life with you - your kids, your wife, your friends etc

    Then.assess all of your resources and then calculate what kind of life that will give you - your cash, your investments, your home, your friends etc.

    I know you have health problems in addition to your losses - but I never hear you lay out any plan to go forwards - you never look at the positives in your life.

    By comparison, I'm screwed - I'm seriously ill - just going through a bit of a cancer scare right now - but with everything shut down, I won't get to see the specialists - and with no immune system, I can't go out or near any hospitals.

    I lost my job a few years over my poor health and my Asperger's and I'll never be able to work again.

    I consider myself lucky to still be alive and, while my heart is beating, I'll keep trying to push forwards.

    You keep banging on about humiliation - but that exists only in your own head.

    I absolutely do not believe that you don't know a way forward.

    You seem to love the drama and attention of your position - which shows narcissistic tendencies  (I have a couple of narcs my extended family - it gets tedious)

    So what's stopping you turning things around?     Apart from your apparent love of wallowing in it?

    What have you ACTUALLY done to move forwards except try to turn back time and make excuses for your behaviour and blame everyone else for your situation??

    Again - I apologise for my bluntness.

  • SOrry to hear of your problems but I am envious that you can move on mentally. Initially I thought it would just settle with time , but it didn't I have sent my life being a "fixer" and tried numerous techniques, the last of which was asking on here. Never before had I posted on a website.

    I am very frightened of suicide and see Iam now in the "exhaustion hopeless phase" and feel I have failed at it all. Persoanlly I think this is a reason why autistics are such poor suicide risk people.

    I presume you were one who complained about my post and asked for it to be removed

  • I presume you were one who complained about my post and asked for it to be removed


    But you still won't assess your resources to work out a way forwards.

Reply Children
  • ... or listen to anyones advice it would seem??

    I'm Not sure what he expects people on here to say? We are not experts, Psychiatrists or Psychologists,  we just have a common diagnosis of Autism. I keep my anxiety and depression under control with medication when I need it. If I feel OK, I stop taking the drugs.

    I'm not sure what his continued threat of  Suicide is supposed to achieve.