First assessment - unlikely to be ASD


Im looking for some advice, and if anyone has been through this. I had my autism assessment today (after a v long wait). I strongly identify with Aspergers ie trouble making friends, have always been the odd one out, mimicking, trouble socialising, vivid imagination etc - but after an hour and a half I was told I don’t tick enough boxes.

Ive been told the psychiatrist needs to speak with my mum and partner as my mum lives the other side of the country and couldn’t attend. I appreciate that it needs further evidence but omg - how can I not be on the spectrum when I relate so hard to the traits?! I’m a 38 y/o female. I approached my GP for referral. 

Any advice would be so greatly appreciated x 

  • Was this the first part of the assessment/pre-assessment and development history? 

    I’m a 31 y/o female. I went privately for a pre-assessment at the end of last year and was told it’s just GAD

    I have now sought a second opinion privately and had another pre-assessment and developmental history appointment and this assessor has advised to proceed to the full assessment. I felt like she understood me a alot more and understood the portrayal of ASC in females. 

    I guess what I’m saying is, if you aren’t happy with the result/advice after she has spoken to your mother then I would say try and get a second opinion. And definitely make lots of notes and try and provide these to the assessors. 

  • Hey, yes this was part of the first diagnosis. I have a feeling I’ll be stamped with GAD and I called the NAS helpline and was told the assessment is quite subjective - so it comforts me to read (in the nicest way as I’m sorry you’ve had to fight for a diagnosis) that I’m not alone in this. It’s going to be interesting what conclusions she gets to after speaking to others close to me. I will ask for a second assessment, I just want answers now. 

  • Hey, yes this was part of the first diagnosis. I have a feeling I’ll be stamped with GAD and I called the NAS helpline and was told the assessment is quite subjective - so it comforts me to read (in the nicest way as I’m sorry you’ve had to fight for a diagnosis) that I’m not alone in this. It’s going to be interesting what conclusions she gets to after speaking to others close to me. I will ask for a second assessment, I just want answers now. 

  • Thank you, sounds like I need it :).   I agree with you, she said I don’t display traits like strong routines or problems at work so I can’t be autistic. But I said what about the social problems, mimicking people, trouble reading people, trouble making new friends, sensory issues...? No. She says sounds like an anxiety or personality thing. Which now I’m reading back sounds ludicrous?!! 

  • I don’t want to be presumptuous but it does sound like she has made up her mind if she says you don’t tick enough boxes. Now looking back I have found for my first appointment I just wasn’t giving the right information during the developmental history taking, I hadnt done enough research to understand some of the things i had done as a child were traits of ASC, so after further reading and identifying these things within myself I was then able to provide relevant information this time round. The first assessor I had was looking for obvious stuff like no friends, no social life, no education etc. 

    good luck