First assessment - unlikely to be ASD


Im looking for some advice, and if anyone has been through this. I had my autism assessment today (after a v long wait). I strongly identify with Aspergers ie trouble making friends, have always been the odd one out, mimicking, trouble socialising, vivid imagination etc - but after an hour and a half I was told I don’t tick enough boxes.

Ive been told the psychiatrist needs to speak with my mum and partner as my mum lives the other side of the country and couldn’t attend. I appreciate that it needs further evidence but omg - how can I not be on the spectrum when I relate so hard to the traits?! I’m a 38 y/o female. I approached my GP for referral. 

Any advice would be so greatly appreciated x 

  • Was this the first part of the assessment/pre-assessment and development history? 

    I’m a 31 y/o female. I went privately for a pre-assessment at the end of last year and was told it’s just GAD

    I have now sought a second opinion privately and had another pre-assessment and developmental history appointment and this assessor has advised to proceed to the full assessment. I felt like she understood me a alot more and understood the portrayal of ASC in females. 

    I guess what I’m saying is, if you aren’t happy with the result/advice after she has spoken to your mother then I would say try and get a second opinion. And definitely make lots of notes and try and provide these to the assessors. 

  • Was this the first part of the assessment/pre-assessment and development history? 

    I’m a 31 y/o female. I went privately for a pre-assessment at the end of last year and was told it’s just GAD

    I have now sought a second opinion privately and had another pre-assessment and developmental history appointment and this assessor has advised to proceed to the full assessment. I felt like she understood me a alot more and understood the portrayal of ASC in females. 

    I guess what I’m saying is, if you aren’t happy with the result/advice after she has spoken to your mother then I would say try and get a second opinion. And definitely make lots of notes and try and provide these to the assessors. 

  • Hey, yes this was part of the first diagnosis. I have a feeling I’ll be stamped with GAD and I called the NAS helpline and was told the assessment is quite subjective - so it comforts me to read (in the nicest way as I’m sorry you’ve had to fight for a diagnosis) that I’m not alone in this. It’s going to be interesting what conclusions she gets to after speaking to others close to me. I will ask for a second assessment, I just want answers now.