How I become the Enemy just by being me

I find it's enviable that I become the Enemy,

This last three months I seem to have upset 5 people all without trying all I do is go to work and do the work in the proper way and return home,

thier is someone I believe who is upset with me because I haven't said good morning which to be honest I feel odd going out of my way to say this plus they haven't gone out of there way to do the same?

One person who has effectively ruined my day because they took my desk

another who is fundamental lazy and when asked  to do one of the requirements of her job she didn't want to so I highlighted it with my manager. 

Someone else who keeps calling me the man but it's in a way to condescend and I don't know how to respond, so I just smile this is starting to piss me off actually. 

And on and on. 

This is normally how I enter my depression and then have a breakdown then quit my job I hate this cycle, does anyone else experience this cycle?

  • Sorry to hear this!

    I do so hate it when people get upset with me and fail to explain why!

    I also hate the expectation to greet various people in certain ways. I’m quite sure that there’s a social rule book that I’ve never seen that sets out exactly how and when you should greet various different people such as colleagues, boss, neighbors etc.

    Why has someone taken your desk?

    Lazy people are annoying. Has the manager got them to buck their ideas up yet?

    Is there anyone at work who could help you with any of this? 

  • They took my desk so they could sit and  talk all day with her friend but she spent half the day away from the desk and left all her stuff a mess on top like a tip.

    The boss did have a word with the lazy person but I think that's why she's angry with me. 

    But I'm going to try not to get upset maybe I will stay positive. 

    And no one will help but that's okay because I don't want people to know I'm autistic as it always end in me getting fired or tormented until I quit. 

  • A lot of this is all to do with dominance hierarchy and status. By insisting you always say hello first, they put you in an inferior position. By taking your desk they are establishing a territorial claim. It's all very primitive and animalistic but neurotypical people do it all the time. They even do it in organisations which pretend they're about equality!!! All about pushing people up and down the social ladder. Pretty pathetic.

  • A lot of this is all to do with dominance hierarchy and status. By insisting you always say hello first, they put you in an inferior position. By taking your desk they are establishing a territorial claim. It's all very primitive and animalistic but neurotypical people do it all the time. They even do it in organisations which pretend they're about equality!!! All about pushing people up and down the social ladder. Pretty pathetic.

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