Finding a relationship


Please can you anyone help me with what I am struggling the most, 

I have to find a relationship or taking next steps to finding love, however I have tried dating sites, I just got turned down and I present myself very well. I connect very well people and i have no trouble communicating with people, 

I don't know if im rushing things or how I'm seeking a relationship I'm not doing it right i don't know. I concert worry about ill be on my own for near future? 

Any advice? 


  • Hi there, 

    Thanks for sharing your post.

    I think it is a matter a lot of individuals can relate to.

    In particular, someone on the autistic spectrum.

    It is never that straightforward or clear cut.

    From the 'being yourself' to things you should or shouldn't do.

    Play it cool or too hard to get?

    It is quick a mixture of things to contend with.

    I have tried online dating.

    From that experience, it wasn't for me.

    DIfferent things suit different people.

    We are each to are own.

    What might work for one person may not apply the same for the other.

    It is easy to get caught up with the pressures or expectations on top.

    The thing to take away from this.

    When one door closes another will open.

    It just takes a considerable amount of time.

    WIth time comes knowledge, some clarification and hopefully peace.

    You won't always get the answers.

    However, you can try to rectify the issues or problems raised.

    It is important to remember your self-worth and value within yourself.

    You have a part to play not just in yourself.

    You hold a vital part more ways than one.

    Being on your own, isn't always a negative thing.

    At the same time, the choice remains with the person(s) themselves.

    Relationships, can be hard to grasp.

    But, this doesn't mean there is nothing out there.

    It helps to remember the qualities, attributes and skills you have.

    Just because, one person may have said no.

    Does not mean you are not good enough.

    Or that, you are the one at fault.

    There will be times when things do not always go to plan.

    Or how you would like.

    At least, by that time things seem a bit clearer.

    Do not be misled to believing that it is one way or no way.

    Each person has something they can offer no matter how big or small.

    Do this for you (easier said than done).

    More so, for your 'why' or 'right' reasons.

    A bit like a 'light bulb' or 'eureka' moment.

    It is important to know that 'perfection' is a hard task in itself.

    In my view, I do not seek perfect or perfection.

    It is the 'little things' that counts.

    Don't get me wrong.

    Gifts can be a nice gesture.

    On the flip side, it can give the wrong message.

    Depending in which context.

    Keep the faith and hold on.

    I hope you find what you are looking for.

    I am sorry if this doesn't answer your query.

    But, I hope some of what has been said is useful. 

  • Hi there, 

    Thanks for sharing your post.

    I think it is a matter a lot of individuals can relate to.

    In particular, someone on the autistic spectrum.

    It is never that straightforward or clear cut.

    From the 'being yourself' to things you should or shouldn't do.

    Play it cool or too hard to get?

    It is quick a mixture of things to contend with.

    I have tried online dating.

    From that experience, it wasn't for me.

    DIfferent things suit different people.

    We are each to are own.

    What might work for one person may not apply the same for the other.

    It is easy to get caught up with the pressures or expectations on top.

    The thing to take away from this.

    When one door closes another will open.

    It just takes a considerable amount of time.

    WIth time comes knowledge, some clarification and hopefully peace.

    You won't always get the answers.

    However, you can try to rectify the issues or problems raised.

    It is important to remember your self-worth and value within yourself.

    You have a part to play not just in yourself.

    You hold a vital part more ways than one.

    Being on your own, isn't always a negative thing.

    At the same time, the choice remains with the person(s) themselves.

    Relationships, can be hard to grasp.

    But, this doesn't mean there is nothing out there.

    It helps to remember the qualities, attributes and skills you have.

    Just because, one person may have said no.

    Does not mean you are not good enough.

    Or that, you are the one at fault.

    There will be times when things do not always go to plan.

    Or how you would like.

    At least, by that time things seem a bit clearer.

    Do not be misled to believing that it is one way or no way.

    Each person has something they can offer no matter how big or small.

    Do this for you (easier said than done).

    More so, for your 'why' or 'right' reasons.

    A bit like a 'light bulb' or 'eureka' moment.

    It is important to know that 'perfection' is a hard task in itself.

    In my view, I do not seek perfect or perfection.

    It is the 'little things' that counts.

    Don't get me wrong.

    Gifts can be a nice gesture.

    On the flip side, it can give the wrong message.

    Depending in which context.

    Keep the faith and hold on.

    I hope you find what you are looking for.

    I am sorry if this doesn't answer your query.

    But, I hope some of what has been said is useful. 

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