Battling with imposter syndrome

From reading a few posts on here it seems like this is pretty common but im struggling hard with feeling like a fraud while waiting for my assessment. Im doubting and second guessing whether i have asd or not and the not knowing is bothering me. Some times im absolutely convinced, other times im afraid its all in my head and im seeing things that arent there, this isnt helped by my anxiety issues

As the wait is so long i looked into going private and found a viable way to have an assessment within the next few weeks, but due to the feelings im having im hesitating to book the assessment as im afraid that i may not be asd and then i will have spent a large amount of money on the assessment for nothing. Particularly as i dont have an informant, so this could complicate the assessment. But the NHS list is extremely long and the wait may drive me crazy!

How do i get over these feelings? Im so confused what i should do

  • Yes, I've been diagnosed three times and still often think I'm a fraud, or there's nothing wrong with me and I ''need to belt up and start being responsible and everything will be fine''. Don't worry about the informant thing, I didn't have one either, these people are professionals and know and understand  a lot, so they can work around that. The best thing you can invest in is yourself !

  • Yes, I've been diagnosed three times and still often think I'm a fraud, or there's nothing wrong with me and I ''need to belt up and start being responsible and everything will be fine''. Don't worry about the informant thing, I didn't have one either, these people are professionals and know and understand  a lot, so they can work around that. The best thing you can invest in is yourself !

  • Its kinda reassuring that this seems a common problem among us

    I just got back from my screening appointment, i met with a clinical psychologist and he went through my questionaires and did a screening interview.

    The result is he is pretty sure i have aspergers, and said if id gone through nhs i definately would have been put forward for a full assessment. Apparently as well as the things we talked about he got indications just from our interaction when he answered the door/hand shaking etc

    Its was kinda overwhelming to accept that its actually happening and there is more going on than just anxiety