Struggling :(

Feel like Im coming up to a total meltdown, trying not to let things get to me but cognitively im struggling with even being verbal with people. Mental health team didnt return my call. Tried talking to a friend she replied 'you should try being me in my life'. Im so sick of paddling flat out just to keep my head above water. NO plans to end this misery so dont want to worry anyone. Feel like such a failure and nothing people are saying is helping at mo may try distraction. All I want to do is cry. 

  • Hello Marisere,

                              Sorry to intrude, I have only just come on here for the first time and noticed your 7 day old post.  I have Asperger's Syndrome, and I am a member. But I haven't been on the site since I last joined NAS. I find things overwhelming and can't cope. I am struggling to talk to people. I am messing up everywhere. I feel my GP can't cope with me. I have gone awol from my NHS counselling. I keep breaking down when phoning businesses and the NHS. I think writing is my only comfort.

                               You are not a failure. It  just feel that way when everything gets on top.  Your mental health team and your friend are letting you down. I hope you are feeling stronger since posting on here. I try to keep myself busy. But still manage to get myself in trouble. As I told my Autism counsellor, I am at war daily here. Having to deal with ignorance and just ill manners daily. I hope you have had a good cry to release how you are feeling. I have a bigger size cuddly teddy a cuddle for comfort. I know my mother sees me as a let down, ever since I left my job due to a breakdown. She doesn't accept that I have Autism. She told me it is not a real condition. She really upset me. I got myself diagnosed in later life.   But like me nobody took any notice as children. Just put it down as bad behaviour from a naughty child. I may have aged but I am still the same young person. Just very tired of fighting to be understood. I suffer from bad brain fog daily. and my speech can go hiwire at times, including strutting.



  • Hello Marisere,

                              Sorry to intrude, I have only just come on here for the first time and noticed your 7 day old post.  I have Asperger's Syndrome, and I am a member. But I haven't been on the site since I last joined NAS. I find things overwhelming and can't cope. I am struggling to talk to people. I am messing up everywhere. I feel my GP can't cope with me. I have gone awol from my NHS counselling. I keep breaking down when phoning businesses and the NHS. I think writing is my only comfort.

                               You are not a failure. It  just feel that way when everything gets on top.  Your mental health team and your friend are letting you down. I hope you are feeling stronger since posting on here. I try to keep myself busy. But still manage to get myself in trouble. As I told my Autism counsellor, I am at war daily here. Having to deal with ignorance and just ill manners daily. I hope you have had a good cry to release how you are feeling. I have a bigger size cuddly teddy a cuddle for comfort. I know my mother sees me as a let down, ever since I left my job due to a breakdown. She doesn't accept that I have Autism. She told me it is not a real condition. She really upset me. I got myself diagnosed in later life.   But like me nobody took any notice as children. Just put it down as bad behaviour from a naughty child. I may have aged but I am still the same young person. Just very tired of fighting to be understood. I suffer from bad brain fog daily. and my speech can go hiwire at times, including strutting.



  • Hay

    I find things overwhelming and can't cope. I am struggling to talk to people. I am messing up everywhere. I feel my GP can't cope with me. I have gone awol from my NHS counselling. I keep breaking down when phoning businesses and the NHS. I think writing is my only comfort.

    Hi Nas36519, 

    I think you need to talk to someone not as a Councillor but someone who gets what it's like to constantly feel overwhelmed, it might not get you out of a hole but it will let you know your not alone.

    I also feel like you when I go to the G.P's I always come out feeling patronised and dismissed and talking to people always leave me regretting the whole thing. 

    When I was young I would spend months in bed depressed and didn't want to leave my room because of how people made me feel.

    But although I question people's actions and thoughts I never judge them or have negative thoughts about people that's the only good thing about being treated like sh1t is knowing how to be kind to others.