Denied assessment by community mental health team

Hi, I have always suspected that I was different from every one else. I am now 38 and finally got up the courage to ask my GP for a referral for Autistic assessment. 

My GP was amazing and had no issues referring me. That was three weeks ago, today I received a letter from a Community Mental Health Team. This is what it said...

We recently received a letter from your GP with regards to a query of autism.

What is of help when we receive your referral is that we are able to call up psychiatric notes for yourself.

On detailed review of your notes there is absolutely nothing to indicate that you have autism. It would appear that you have struggled for a long time with anxiety and low mood, and you have struggled socially for some time. We are of the belief that your presentation is more in keeping with anxiety as opposed to autism.
May I wish you the best.

I am so taken a back by this, they didn’t even attempt to speak with me. Feeling hopeless. What do I do?

  • sorry to hear you're having problems. its no surprise though.sometimes seems to me that professionals prefer to label people mental than autistic. Possibly because they already have a protocol to deal with adults with mental health issues but nothing setup to help people with autism.

    If your GP was willing to send you for assessment they probably had one or two reasons to do so. I would get in contact with them and ask. People that haven't met you couldn't make an informed opinion or assess you. Even with GP input that would be near impossible.

    If they have suggested you go see a shrink and get treated for anxiety and depression you could consider agreeing to an appointment IF and only IF the shrink has had autism training and is knowledgeable. That way they may refer you to someone for diagnosis...or if you are confident that their not just useless narcissistic know nothing know all's. Then maybe they will help with any anxiety and low mood you experience AND maybe you will think OKAY autistic or not i feel alright now

  • Thank you for the reply, I am currently writing a letter asking them to reconsider their decision. I feel like they should at least speak to me before making such a decision. I feel that all my years of masking are now working against me.

    Im not going to give up though, I feel like getting the assessment will prove their decision wrong. I’m going back to my GP this week and will speak with her about it.

  • Hi, not sure if you'll see this Grinning but I was wondering how did it go for you? I'm in exactly the same situation as you described. I'm 44, was denied autism assessment by local NHS team earlier this year. I didn't think it was very professional from their side. But they decided after 30 min interview that I was not autistic just some other mental issues probably. Was pissed off by such attitude from them. They didn't even look into my case properly. Cu*ts! Felt stupid, neglected and blah blah blah but after some time decided to contact my GP again to ask if they can refer me through RTC pathway. I was told I had to book an appointment again for this to see my GP just to find out that I am not eligible to go RTC way as I have been assessed already by the NHS. What a load of bollox. It wasn't even an assessment. The thing that makes me most furious in all this situation is - why pretend that there's a way to get assessed/helped but actually it's just BS!!! Waste of time and very disappointing. Excuse my rage but I still don't think it was fair attitude and I am not willing to accept this. Just wonder if there's some other way around this situation legally, to complain or ask for a second opinion which I don't believe they will offer me anyway. Not sure what to do next tbh

  • Hi, not sure if you'll see this Grinning but I was wondering how did it go for you? I'm in exactly the same situation as you described. I'm 44, was denied autism assessment by local NHS team earlier this year. I didn't think it was very professional from their side. But they decided after 30 min interview that I was not autistic just some other mental issues probably. Was pissed off by such attitude from them. They didn't even look into my case properly. Cu*ts! Felt stupid, neglected and blah blah blah but after some time decided to contact my GP again to ask if they can refer me through RTC pathway. I was told I had to book an appointment again for this to see my GP just to find out that I am not eligible to go RTC way as I have been assessed already by the NHS. What a load of bollox. It wasn't even an assessment. The thing that makes me most furious in all this situation is - why pretend that there's a way to get assessed/helped but actually it's just BS!!! Waste of time and very disappointing. Excuse my rage but I still don't think it was fair attitude and I am not willing to accept this. Just wonder if there's some other way around this situation legally, to complain or ask for a second opinion which I don't believe they will offer me anyway. Not sure what to do next tbh

  • I'm very sorry to hear of your experience. 

    According to the NAS: "If you have a complaint following the diagnostic assessment or at any stage in the referral or diagnosis process, you can follow the complaints procedure for your local area. Complaints should usually be made within 12 months of the issue arising or being aware of the problem."

    More information and complaint-related links for various parts of the UK here:  Health services