Obsession/fixation- help!!

Hi everyone, was wondering if I can toggle your brains again. My partner is still waiting for therapy which is getting quite tough for us both now. I’m interested to hear your input on the situation of being fixated on something. A subject or multiple subjects at once, brain overload. My partner and I are able to live quite a normal life. We get by and adapt where possible. I think we are doing well considering the lack of help we’ve had. There’s one thing we really struggle with, it’s him being fixated on something/things. If I ask him to do something he might forget straight after because his mind is blocked by things; he said explains it to me as his brain being fixated on anything and everything and he can’t get past it. I can get past the daily tasks etc that don’t get done, but sometimes (even though I know the reasons and support him) I end up getting upset because I feel unwanted and initiate things more than him, he says the thoughts and feelings are there but his mind is fixated on other things and doesn’t let him get to the other stuff. This might be a long shot, and I’m not looking to change him at all, I just want to know if there’s anything we/ he himself can do to intervene these distractions? Or do I just get used to being the one that’s more affectionate and initiating things in the relationship? 

  • It might sound very odd to someone who doesn't think like this, but most Autistic people find it very soothing to think (or say or do) about the same thing repeatedly, over and over, on loop. It's like a form of therapy for us, some calm in the midst of a stressful world. We also HATE it if we're 'in the zone' and someone interrupts us! I realise that this answer might not help as such but I'm just trying to help you understand.

  • It might sound very odd to someone who doesn't think like this, but most Autistic people find it very soothing to think (or say or do) about the same thing repeatedly, over and over, on loop. It's like a form of therapy for us, some calm in the midst of a stressful world. We also HATE it if we're 'in the zone' and someone interrupts us! I realise that this answer might not help as such but I'm just trying to help you understand.

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