Alert card

Does anyone know how long it takes for the Autism Alert Card to arrive? I'm not desperate for it, but it's getting on for a good few weeks since i emailed back the form, along with my diagnosis letters. 

  • Im guessing it helps the police to understand you are different to normal people if you are ever arrested or if they see you acting weirdly and ask you why.  Also if you were say found unconscious or semi-conscious.

  • What is the function of an alert card? I am freshly diagnosed.

  • In both parts of Ireland, we have a JAM Card service. (JAM stands for 'Just a Minute')

    Northern Ireland;

    Irish Republic;

  • I'm really sorry that we have had to close our warehouse because of the coronavirus outbreak. Therefore, we are not currently accepting orders for most items in our shop, including the cards. You'll see this if you try to use the links in this thread to order a card. Outstanding orders were dispatched before the closure.

  • I have had mine for years so i'm not sure to be honest. I also lost mine but it turns out I have had it in my bag since i was 17!! XD 

  • I am sorry for the delayed information. The new design of card is now in stock. This is a different URL, but I have also added aliases to the old location that is quoted in this thread.

  • The autism alert cards have been out of stock for a little time, while an updated version is designed

    ...This makes more sense, Sir. There is no point in searching for something which does not exist, surely...?  Slight smile

    It would be Dandy if someone from NAS let us know when these things are "back in stock". Thanks again.

  • Um... Glad to hear from Mr.WebPM... but, well, here goes...

    ...With regards to the Link I posted --- NOW the link (sometimes) says : "Object moved to here" ("here" underlined)

    ...Linking to an "Oops! Sorry" page from NAS.

    I might edit this reply in order to check it out. Thanks for being here, as always.

    EDIT: With regards to Main Site, after going to the Main NAS site (either from here or via a search engine), I put "Alert Card" into the Search Box, and all it does is Darken the entire Site/Page, asking for stuff like "EMail Address". It will not progress until another account is set up/account details are put in again.

    ...I shall admit that maybe this is just Me, with M'Old devices again! (The same Tablet.) But, well... can someone else try, please? Please try the above Link, plus searching the Main site from this Forum.

  • Apologies: I was not previously aware of this thread.

    The autism alert cards have been out of stock for a little time, while an updated version is designed. Therefore, the 404 page is because the product has been removed from the shop for the time being.

    It is certainly not the intention that you should need to register an account, or sign in, in order to use the site search. I have not been able to reproduce this issue - I have just done a number of searches, in several different desktop browsers and on a phone, without signing in. Are you able to provide more detail, such as:

    • The URL of the page where you tried the search
    • Screen shots of the error message
    • Whether you used a PC, a mobile device, or something else?


  • Greetings, especially to NAS...

    The link I provided to this page now gives an "Error 404". (Now Year 2020.)

    In order to search the NAS Website, I now have to provide/setup an ACCOUNT, even when already logged in and I already have an account upon the MAIN NAS Website.

    ...Excuse Me What is going on??

    (p.s. sometimes still asked for "cookies" even though I already have them for this whole NAS area.)

  • I quite like the look of this card by the Devon and Cornwall Police myself:


    There are including this card seven with one for each area listed on the following website link:

  • Two replies from Myself...

    Superficially: - Wow, this is so coool, & it has Official Badges on it and everything. With Respect to the CoastGuards, too? I so sooo totally want one of these, yay!

    Practically: ...Yes this is very different from NAS' (so far). For Myself, This Card would be great if the Main word was not "ATTENTION" but rather  "AUTISM" as with the NAS card/wallet; My reason for saying that is, as I say, I use mine a lot, and most (hostile, frustrated) people tend to see the first/biggest Word(s), and do not bother with the rest under Stress. But Yes, Thank You for Posting this, of course.

  • I do indeed :) And it was free :)

  • (...Yes they are, aren't they, though! Did I not say that here before, though...? Thanks for the Link, though!) Slight smile

  • ...found the page.

    ...again, if NAS is reading - lately to navigate the site, I have to use a Browser and type in "" followed by search terms for what I seek! Even when logged in, I cannot use "search" without it first asking Me to set up an account? NAS,Sort it out, please!!

  • Um, No. From NAS they are (were) simply a Blue Credit-Card wallet, with the words "Autism Alert" largest upon the front. (with some info inside.) I show the words "Autism Alert", because this often makes people stop to think about whatever (hostile vitriol) they look to be preparing to launch at Me.

    I shall try a search, and if I can find it, I may post a picture/link from the NAS site. But their site is reeealy very hard to navigate nowadays...

  • Do you have a picture of what they look like?

  • but it's getting on for a good few weeks since i emailed back
    Well my card arrived today :)

    ...Oh-kaayyy...(!) Not sure what to say about that, now...!

  • Well my card arrived today :) BTW the card is issued by Hampshire Autism (, so the one you are talking about is different??? 

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