From an autism/disability perspective, who is the best party to vote for?

I'm guessing Conservative/Tories would be the worst choice, since they only care about the top richest 1%, and they are responsible for DLA changing to PIP and the disaster that is Universal Credit.

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    I like this website.

  • Thank You for this. It is quite interesting, so I post a Link here: The site seems American-Centred, so press the little Flag at the top right-hand corner to get the UK (Our Union Flag.). This link is direct to that:

    ...I Myself am still nervous about putting Political opinions on here, though, like a lot of things... This is probably just Me... whenever I used to voice whomever I voted for at (certain members of) My own Family, they would get *VERY* angry: "Why did You vote for THEM??", "That was a wasted vote!", "It's because YOU voted that way that this happened!"... that sort of thing. 

    ...Also there is the "trick" of lying to campaigners who visit the house to remind One to "Vote Today/Have You Voted Yet!" and then asking for whom One has voted, and they will constantly pester and hassle, until You 'admit' to having voted for Them only. It is very stressful and not nice. I have never done it, I actually just close the door or threaten to call the Police, if they get too aggressive. But I hate confrontation and try to avoid it.

    ...(I got burnt, basically, so now I sort of fear the whole thing.)