Filling out forms - an Aspie's nightmare?

As I write this I am feeling very overwhelmed by my inability to fill out forms. It's something I usually do once or twice a month at work and nothing stresses me out more. 

Is this something that other people struggle with too? I'm curious if this is something that a lot of Autistic people struggle with. If so, I'll feel more comfortable asking for support - at least I'll have a reasonable explanation as to why I suck at doing it so much, lol 

I just don't want people at work to think I'm an idiot for not being able to do something that to them, is probably a piece of cake. 

  • For me, it all depends on the form and how it is laid out. OriginalPrankster posted a useful diagram in this thread about autism-friendly design, which may give you some context. I think my comment on that thread also holds here, namely that when forms are constructed in a certain way, I am unable to process what is required and how that relates to what I know, and I'm left feeling stressed and stupid.

    I don't think it's unreasonable for you to ask for additional support on this as I'm certain you're not alone.

  • It's hard to explain why I find it hard, but I definitely do struggle. I've been doing them for over a year now and STILL find it difficult. I just want someone to sit with me and help me through it. Someone "tried" to help but it wasn't the sort of help I needed. I ended up having a small anxiety attack as a result. :/ 

  • I'm so sorry the form-filling triggers you like that. Are you able to upload a copy of the form to this thread (or a photo of it), as I'd be happy to try to help you understand. I'm a business analyst by trade so I'm pretty good at deconstructing requirements and building processes, all of which come with lots of documentation. I'm also told I'm a very good teacher as I like to figure out a) what's required, b) what the person can already do, and c) how to fill the gap between (a) and (b). I'm happy to give it a go if you're happy to share? It's so frustrating when the "help" isn't helpful, but a lot of people aren't natural teachers (I find maths teachers and PE teachers are the worst because they can just *do* it and can't understand why others can't, let alone explain how to do whatever it is they're supposed to be teaching, but a lot of people are the same with work tasks too).

  • I'm good, thank you. The whole thing is stressing me out but not nearly as intense as it once was. Yeah, they were good. Although I hate getting like that at work. It keeps happening and I find the whole thing embarrassing. But they have responded well which is good. :) 

  • You're welcome. Relaxed

    Oh, you poor thing! How are you feeling now? Awful that you had to go through that, but I'm glad they've responded sensitively and are giving you some extra  help now.

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  • I'm good, thank you. The whole thing is stressing me out but not nearly as intense as it once was. Yeah, they were good. Although I hate getting like that at work. It keeps happening and I find the whole thing embarrassing. But they have responded well which is good. :)