I pray to God every day

Do you?

  • Coming from a traditional Irish Catholic rural background and having come back to my Catholic faith 15 years ago (21 years living in the U.K.) I pray a decade of the Rosary every day for everyone’s intentions and I also do Novenas to various saints - this was especially helpful during Covid lockdowns and I have kept it up ever since, given the state of our world, which I believe can only be helped by the Rosary, which Our Lady of Fatima asked us to do in 1917 - Fr. Frank Peyton and Archbishop Fulton Sheen also advocated the Rosary which I have been during all during the month of May which is Our Lady’s month, as I have a special devotion to Our Lady of Knock Queen of Ireland - the Rosary is the most powerful spiritual weapon that we Catholics have in the epic spiritual battle that our world is currently engaged in 

  • I come from a Catholic background (and you can really feel it, even in the atheist members because it's less that people get disowned in this family and more like they get excomunicated) but have frequently suspected as a pagan universalist myself that what I consider God to be is not the same as what others construe.

    given the state of our world, which I believe can only be helped by the Rosary,

    It's odd that you should mention the Rosary as I have often considered it the original fidget "toy", in a faith sense, for the way it brings people comfort. I dunno just an observation with how it overlaps with the autistoc experience tbh.

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