I pray to God every day

Do you?

  • Does anybody ask how God is ? I don't necessarily believe God is a person or a being but a presence. I personally believe God is in everything, the trees, the wind , the earth , the rain, nature , animals . To harm the earth and it's inhabitants is to disrespect God . I do pray but I always ask how God is first ... maybe I'm too polite .. I don't know . There is a process to a conversation, I think. Fox

  • Politeness and respect are rarely bad starting points.

    I like your omnipotent theology......loose but profound...again, there are defo worse starting points!

  • Hello Number,

    Thank you . I am thinking / talking about things I don't understand very well and would never pretend I do but I think we're all moving at a different pace . I think you just have to have a very , very open mind to everything . ' Be interested in everything but have an opinion about nothing ' Fox

  • Hello Number,

    Thank you . I am thinking / talking about things I don't understand very well and would never pretend I do but I think we're all moving at a different pace . I think you just have to have a very , very open mind to everything . ' Be interested in everything but have an opinion about nothing ' Fox

  • Nice to meet you Number.

    I am 42 years of age.

    Bodhidharma said ' To have a body is to suffer. Does anyone with a body not know suffering ?' I think with us being a minority in society, we will experience problems and find them harder to process more than most but I think it's how we deal with it . I like to look at it like a mechanism in a watch . To break everything down into little parts and try to understand all the little details and learn what we can from it.

    Buddha speaks a lot about Ego in Dhammapada . I have been called Anti social, I show lack of empathy, I scare people , I'm intense etc If that's the case , I can confirm with all honesty I am very polite when doing it . Maybe they get upset when they can't provide the answers or they didn't know anything about the subject to begin with ? 

    I don't think we or anyone will fully understand what any of this means or if it means anything at all . Maybe we all reach our individual interpretation from how our experiences have moulded and influenced us . It's wrong to force or influence anyone's views onto others like the NTs love to do . I think it's better to just sit quietly and listen or read and explore quietly.

    Maybe if we keep wandering , wondering and asking questions , more importantly asking ourselves questions .. I know I do with the constant monologue and DVD style commentary I have in my head all the time and my child like curiosity .

    Emotionally I am a little boy . I hope you keep searching Number. I hope you never stop and never give up and you find your equanimity and your peace, you find your happiness and in turn you continue to be a good and curious person ! Fox

    Take care and all the best. 

  • I agree - being curious and interested in everything is a good quality to have....I think....but I have come to understand (eventually) that this does make me hyper intense when I am conversing with people on things that interest me.  I can scare and overwhelm people easily.  My nickname should really be WTAF.

    You don't mention how old you are.......may I enquire?  FYI - I'm 50's.

    Ego is not a mystery to me.  I have been forced to battle that demon or carefully assess and consider it many many times.

    Thankfully, I have mellowed and matured and passed through the mangle for a variety of egos, tragedies, failings, flock ups.........and autism.

    Hard process life.  Its nice to explore what the bleeding hell it is supposed to be all about and what is expected of us......and perhaps the mega question - what would make me happy?!  I need help with that last one, so I seek it.

    A spiritual journey to accompany the mundane (and often dreadful) day-to-day is a good sub routine to have running in your cpu.  I'm definitely a better person these days.  That is very encouraging.  Keeping going, finding some light, a dash of fun....those are hard things.

    Its nice to make your acquaintance Neuvalis - whom I think of as 'foxy' fyi.

    Kind regards


  • Yes ! I think I can . I have often been accused of over thinking things. You're right about maintaining no ego . That's something I try to practice , fail and then try again.

    I really appreciate and enjoy being curious and interested in everything , it's a good quality to have... I think. Fox

  • I have an opinion about almost all things ....but....I try to maintain no ego associated with them...AND;

    a) I have a very open mind to everything....including the opinions of others....and changing my own opinions.

    b) I am interested in many things and

    c) I like to learn more about everything.

    Can you imagine the general "chaos mode" in my head, most of the time ?!