Don’t have any friends

Just wondering if anyone else doesn’t have any friends at all or is that just me?

  • This post has helped me thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences

    I've always struggled with friends and have always been bullied in some shape or form everywhere. As I got older it didn't get so bad because I was either exposed to more people when older and found it easier to mask and hide with more people rather than at a small school then workplaces a lot of the time are just a copy of school. I've come to accept now it's okay and like you said Nessie its about seeing yourself as an awesome autistic person accepting yourself for you rather than forcing yourself to fit into a box that's not suited for you.

    I'm a lot happier now I accept I have no friends no family life it actually better for me no expectations no pressure I talk to people when out and about at appointments and i might go to a local coffee shop from time to time and chat to the staff its easier for me I actually find a closer connection chatting on forums or to strangers than with friends so I'm happy its easier for me and once I took that pressure off my mind and soul had so much more time for self care and other things which is what we all deserve. 

  • This post has helped me thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences

    I've always struggled with friends and have always been bullied in some shape or form everywhere. As I got older it didn't get so bad because I was either exposed to more people when older and found it easier to mask and hide with more people rather than at a small school then workplaces a lot of the time are just a copy of school. I've come to accept now it's okay and like you said Nessie its about seeing yourself as an awesome autistic person accepting yourself for you rather than forcing yourself to fit into a box that's not suited for you.

    I'm a lot happier now I accept I have no friends no family life it actually better for me no expectations no pressure I talk to people when out and about at appointments and i might go to a local coffee shop from time to time and chat to the staff its easier for me I actually find a closer connection chatting on forums or to strangers than with friends so I'm happy its easier for me and once I took that pressure off my mind and soul had so much more time for self care and other things which is what we all deserve. 

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