Don’t have any friends

Just wondering if anyone else doesn’t have any friends at all or is that just me?

  • Nope you're definitely not alone with this.

    All throughout my school years I wore the Isa-Mask. When I wore my mask I was a little more confident and anxiety and social problems didn't bother me as much. At school this allowed me to a degree to get close to others and I hoped it would help me to make friends. Did it? Nope. The problem was after school when everyone wanted to hang out or go shopping I always said no because I was scared and knew that the shops would be packed and that I'd struggle to talk with them...

    And it's the same now. Even at work I wear my mask, it's another me, a better me but after work I have to tell people no to going out for a drink or something to eat. I wish I could make some friends but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I have my mask but it only seems to help me when I'm at work, anything or anywhere else and it's gone and I'm left an anxious mess.

  • Nope you're definitely not alone with this.

    All throughout my school years I wore the Isa-Mask. When I wore my mask I was a little more confident and anxiety and social problems didn't bother me as much. At school this allowed me to a degree to get close to others and I hoped it would help me to make friends. Did it? Nope. The problem was after school when everyone wanted to hang out or go shopping I always said no because I was scared and knew that the shops would be packed and that I'd struggle to talk with them...

    And it's the same now. Even at work I wear my mask, it's another me, a better me but after work I have to tell people no to going out for a drink or something to eat. I wish I could make some friends but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I have my mask but it only seems to help me when I'm at work, anything or anywhere else and it's gone and I'm left an anxious mess.

  • I have my mask but it only seems to help me when I'm at work, anything or anywhere else and it's gone and I'm left an anxious mess

    Yep, I can definitely relate to that. I find family gatherings particularly stressful and exhausting because I was so much better at masking when I was growing up, but now that I'm diagnosed and live with my partner I'm more accustomed to being myself, so it takes a mammoth amount of energy and concentration to be the (masked) person my family know. At work, I have my professional hat on, so it's easier as almost all interactions are task-oriented, but I also try to avoid all the social stuff too, just say I have something urgent to finish etc. so can't come.