Global Climate Strike


Is anyone else attending a strike event today? It's essentially my worst nightmare but I feel so strongly about the issue that I have to at least try.

  • I didn't attend but am becoming more conscious of my environmental impact and holding myself to higher standards.

    This year I learned from Stella McCartney's article on the BBC ( that I need to start buying clothes that are 100% natural as the artificial materials like elastane and polyester don't biodegrade well when they're thrown away.

  • It's quite eye-opening learning how many seemingly innocent things actually have a negative impact. Over the last few years we have been gradually making small changes. Going vegan, reducing plastic, trying to eat mostly fresh food, not buying any clothes unless really needed then going for good quality and sustainable, switching to green energy, not taking flights etc. 

    I do find that with trying to shop ethically it is very expensive and not accessible to most, but then most low income people aren't creating the most carbon - they're not flying to far off lands 3 times a year or driving SUVs! 

  • It's good you aredoing these things and more people are becoming aware. However, there needs to be change at a higher level.  I think meat and dairy shoukd be rationed. Thereshoukd be more community gardening. We are told we should drive electric cars, but they're so bloody expensive and there's no charging points anywhere. Petrol and diesel cars are still being manufactured. Food and products are being produced then thrown away unused. Everything comes wrapped in plastic.  Yes we can make choices but often it's difficult - the nearest plastic free shop is a 15 minute drive away....that's not a good balance. It's maybe more difficult for people on a low income, it's probably not a priority and understandably  so.  

    Id had really bad anxiety about this for a few years until I had some counselling a few months back. These strikes give me hope. Momentum is building, Greta Thurberg is wonderful.  I just think the powers that be will never take action as they are too invested in capitalism and power.

    Well done for getting out of your comfort zone for something you feel so strongly about. 

  • Yeah I started cutting out meat, then cut out fish, then dairy. Doing things in increments makes it much easier!

  • Totally agree. The people in power largely have lots of money in polluting companies. That's why I like the green party as they are honest that living sustainably can't go hand in hand with rabid capitalism. We could limit flights but that would affect the profits of the airline companies. We could insist that all packaging is reusable or recyclable but that would eat into profits. If we weren't so obsessed with making money, everything would be so much easier.

    I get depressed about it all. It's so frustrating hearing the same old terrible arguments when species are regularly going extinct and the poorest regions are being so badly affected. XR and Greta Thunberg have given me a bit of hope that we might be able to turn this around. And the solutions to the crisis are often also really positive for people's wellbeing.

    I wish I was more confident - I could be out talking to my neighbours, bringing them on board. I'm very grateful for the confident young people!

  • Totally agree. The people in power largely have lots of money in polluting companies. That's why I like the green party as they are honest that living sustainably can't go hand in hand with rabid capitalism. We could limit flights but that would affect the profits of the airline companies. We could insist that all packaging is reusable or recyclable but that would eat into profits. If we weren't so obsessed with making money, everything would be so much easier.

    I get depressed about it all. It's so frustrating hearing the same old terrible arguments when species are regularly going extinct and the poorest regions are being so badly affected. XR and Greta Thunberg have given me a bit of hope that we might be able to turn this around. And the solutions to the crisis are often also really positive for people's wellbeing.

    I wish I was more confident - I could be out talking to my neighbours, bringing them on board. I'm very grateful for the confident young people!

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