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CBD oil/Gummies - has anyone used it for autism related anxiety ?

I watched a video on you tube where the user claimed CBD oil help his anxiety.

Some parents in USA have given it to their kids again with claims of behavioural improvements.

Has anyone used CBD oil or better (something medically prescribed) to keep down anxiety ?

  • Hi Aidie

    Funny I was talking to a friend about these. I have seen these and heard about them under 'microdosing' but beware 70% of the products on the internet have no CBD .Always look for the dosage of CBD  if there is none then it wont have any.  


  • Hi Aidie

    Funny I was talking to a friend about these. I have seen these and heard about them under 'microdosing' but beware 70% of the products on the internet have no CBD .Always look for the dosage of CBD  if there is none then it wont have any.  

