I am falling apart!

I am falling apart, I have had my heart broken stamped on and basically sh!t on from a very great height. It is all I can do to put one foot in front of the other, here is why.

I have had 18 months of trouble at work with a tribunal coming up.

Been in a love less marriage to somebody that gave me no support financial or otherwise.

I am separating from this person

Thought I'd met the love of my life, then found out, I am not a priority, an inanimate web site is, by the way it has 6 members and is run by a bossy dictator.

I have no income my pay was stopped in August I have approx £100 a month to live on.

Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse it has.

The supposed love of my life PMd me and asked me to stop speaking to the dictator,WTF! Obviously know where his loyalties lie.

I am on 150 mg of Sertriline which are not even touching the sides, my heart is broken and yet the person I loved more than I thought possible has sided with Slack!


  • I'm so so sorry for how you are feeling at the moment!

    Work related trauma is a nightmare. I hope it gets resolved soon!

    I expect that you have been damaged from being in a loveless marriage without any support! I'm not surprised that you are separating from him!

    Feeling that you are not a priority is difficult! When we're in a relationship we need to feel that our significant other prioritises up above anybody or anything else. Without this we don't feel cared for, or validated or loved.

    The income situation is rubbish, can anything be done to alleviate that?

    Sadly, medication is no cure for heartbreak.

    We gonna have a girly day out and take your mind off of things ;-) xxx

  • We are and thankful. Yep heartbreak is the very worst. I am feeling it mentally and physically and yep the word 'Heartbreak', describes it very well, I couldn't actually label this awful feeling before but that is the perfect label along with betrayal and psychological agony for want of a better term. Yep we are gonna have a fab time Sunday. xxxx

    P.S the income situation hopefully should be resolved in November, but that doesn't  really help now but at least I can see an end to it. xx

  • so much for me going to bed early! Got distracted by the forum and facebook!

    I experienced heartbreak once many years ago and it's horrible, an actual physical pain in the heart! I feel for you, I really do.

    I'm glad that the income situation will be resolved.


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