I am falling apart!

I am falling apart, I have had my heart broken stamped on and basically sh!t on from a very great height. It is all I can do to put one foot in front of the other, here is why.

I have had 18 months of trouble at work with a tribunal coming up.

Been in a love less marriage to somebody that gave me no support financial or otherwise.

I am separating from this person

Thought I'd met the love of my life, then found out, I am not a priority, an inanimate web site is, by the way it has 6 members and is run by a bossy dictator.

I have no income my pay was stopped in August I have approx £100 a month to live on.

Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse it has.

The supposed love of my life PMd me and asked me to stop speaking to the dictator,WTF! Obviously know where his loyalties lie.

I am on 150 mg of Sertriline which are not even touching the sides, my heart is broken and yet the person I loved more than I thought possible has sided with Slack!


  • Gosh this is an awful situation. I'm not sure what to say. It is really painful when someone you love turns out to not be what you thought.

    The amount of money you're living on at the moment is horrifically low. If you're not already I would get yourself to the GP for an emergency appointment and ask them to sign a letter or give you a pass to use the local food bank so you would at least save money on buying food. If you don't have many savings, you might need to get to the Citizens Advice Bureau if there is one near you to ask them how is the best way to declare yourself homeless with the council.

    You probably know already but you don't have to actually be living on the streets to declare homeless, you can explain that you're in the process of splitting up, have Asperger's/Autism, that the relationship is toxic so the house isn't a safe place to be, that you are more vulnerable than an NT in a streets/hostel living situation (give all the details you can), and you should be given priority and placed at the top of the housing list. If you need an emergency loan of money, are there any family members nearby who could help? Or is there a credit union nearby? They do loans that are a lot less interest repaid than banks. 

  • Thanks Roswell, that means a lot. I know you have also had a pretty awful time and you are coming out of the other side. I can't  say I have hope at the moment but will remember your kind words. xxx

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