Autism and Adulthood


It's Eleanor. This is only my second post on this site because, frankly, I have no clue how to do... all of this. I'm an autistic adult. I know that when you're an adult, you're introduced to all sorts of new things; maintaining a career, learning how to live on your own, driving, dating, etc. Oh my God, I'm so rubbish at this! Even when I'm typing or writing, I'm not very talkative. I'm also a very private person so it will be a while before I start blabbering about who knows what on here! Anyway, like I said, I'm an adult with Aspergers Syndrome, who has just graduated from uni this year, and right now I'm in a hard phase of my new adult life; finding a job and starting my career. I want to work in Music Education, and I've decided to just start out with jobs as teaching assistant/supply teacher. So far I've had several declines, but I feel like I'm getting closer to a job. It is just a matter of remaining positive and to keep on going.

I'll post more later, but if anyone has any questions or advice for me, whether on finding work, living through adulthood with autism, or anything else please reply and let me know.



  • Hi Eleanor. I'm in my mid-twenties, awaiting diagnosis, and I definitely find adult life quite challenging! I love music too. What instruments do you play? There are lots of career paths you could take; I'm sure the right job will come along soon. Teaching assistant/supply teaching roles sound like a good start - lots of schools are desperate for musicians to run their choirs, teach instruments and help with their school productions!

  • Hi Eleanor. I'm in my mid-twenties, awaiting diagnosis, and I definitely find adult life quite challenging! I love music too. What instruments do you play? There are lots of career paths you could take; I'm sure the right job will come along soon. Teaching assistant/supply teaching roles sound like a good start - lots of schools are desperate for musicians to run their choirs, teach instruments and help with their school productions!

  • Hi. Thanks for the positivity. The instruments I play are clarinet, piano and voice. But to be perfectly honest, I'm sort of out of practise. Clarinet and piano especially. But right now I'm trying work up a regular routine for myself as well as trying to find paid work. I suppose I just need to make the most of my time, as well as get out of procrastination. Trust me, I've encountered and done too many times in the past.