If Autism could be cured, would you?

I think it's an interesting question to ask, if a cure for Autism were ever created, would you cure yourself?

It's hard for me to decide on whether or not I would cure myself, because there are positives and negatives of having Autism in my opinion.

Positives of my Autism:

  • Idiosyncratic interests have led to me being very successful in certain areas.
  • Less likely to give in to peer-pressure because I really don't care about what others think in those terms.
  • Having a rigid thinking pattern and being well organised makes life easier (IMO).
  • My honesty is appreciated by some people.

Negatives of my Autism:

  • My face not reflecting how I really feel, so constantly being told that I have "resting-*****-face".
  • Getting uncontrollably stressed and anxious over things that I know are stupid.
  • Sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Finding it difficult to find and maintain friendships.
  • My honesty is not appreciated by most people.
  • Laughing at things that most people don't find funny and looking like an idiot.

If my Autism disappeared, I wonder if my personality would completely change.. and if that would be for the better? If I had to give an answer right here right now, I would probably say no to a cure simply because I think I would become unrecognisable personality wise. 

  • When people say "cure" in regards to autism, they make it sound like an illness.

    That aside, had I not been autistic to begin with, I'd probably have grown to be quite obnoxious, given the other aspects of my upbringing which I won't bore you with.

    Since I wasn't diagnosed until I was in my mid-late 30's, I've been told to "stop acting weird" all my life and I've been forced to suppress a lot of my initial thoughts and try to imagine every possible meaning for instructions I receive from others, which makes me appear to be a slow thinker.

    If I could, I'd be more tolerant of bright lights & specific sounds & smells which I find to be extremely uncomfortable, but I wouldn't want my autism "cured". As long as I'm not hurting anyone, I'd like to be allowed to express myself, to be tolerated and encouraged to contribute new ideas with my different way of thinking. But I'm informed these desires are selfish, so I'll stop trying to achieve them.

  • When people say "cure" in regards to autism, they make it sound like an illness.

    That aside, had I not been autistic to begin with, I'd probably have grown to be quite obnoxious, given the other aspects of my upbringing which I won't bore you with.

    Since I wasn't diagnosed until I was in my mid-late 30's, I've been told to "stop acting weird" all my life and I've been forced to suppress a lot of my initial thoughts and try to imagine every possible meaning for instructions I receive from others, which makes me appear to be a slow thinker.

    If I could, I'd be more tolerant of bright lights & specific sounds & smells which I find to be extremely uncomfortable, but I wouldn't want my autism "cured". As long as I'm not hurting anyone, I'd like to be allowed to express myself, to be tolerated and encouraged to contribute new ideas with my different way of thinking. But I'm informed these desires are selfish, so I'll stop trying to achieve them.

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