If Autism could be cured, would you?

I think it's an interesting question to ask, if a cure for Autism were ever created, would you cure yourself?

It's hard for me to decide on whether or not I would cure myself, because there are positives and negatives of having Autism in my opinion.

Positives of my Autism:

  • Idiosyncratic interests have led to me being very successful in certain areas.
  • Less likely to give in to peer-pressure because I really don't care about what others think in those terms.
  • Having a rigid thinking pattern and being well organised makes life easier (IMO).
  • My honesty is appreciated by some people.

Negatives of my Autism:

  • My face not reflecting how I really feel, so constantly being told that I have "resting-*****-face".
  • Getting uncontrollably stressed and anxious over things that I know are stupid.
  • Sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Finding it difficult to find and maintain friendships.
  • My honesty is not appreciated by most people.
  • Laughing at things that most people don't find funny and looking like an idiot.

If my Autism disappeared, I wonder if my personality would completely change.. and if that would be for the better? If I had to give an answer right here right now, I would probably say no to a cure simply because I think I would become unrecognisable personality wise. 

  • I would not want a cure for my condition but more help/support to educate others around the world to understand it more without judgement.

    Yes, we can end up being on medication due to some co-morbid conditions (Stress, Anxiety, Depression) but they are only to help us cope with the Neuro Typicals.

    Like , we are expected to act/think/etc as others expect but cannot keep it up thus adding more pressure on ourselves because as I was told "it is our perception that is wrong".

    So, the world needs to stop "Talking the Talk" about Diversity/Equality/Inclusion and become a fairer place for everyone to be able to live how they want and do what they do best (their strengths) by "Walking the Walk".

  • I would not want a cure for my condition but more help/support to educate others around the world to understand it more without judgement.

    Yes, we can end up being on medication due to some co-morbid conditions (Stress, Anxiety, Depression) but they are only to help us cope with the Neuro Typicals.

    Like , we are expected to act/think/etc as others expect but cannot keep it up thus adding more pressure on ourselves because as I was told "it is our perception that is wrong".

    So, the world needs to stop "Talking the Talk" about Diversity/Equality/Inclusion and become a fairer place for everyone to be able to live how they want and do what they do best (their strengths) by "Walking the Walk".

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