How did you 'come out' as autistic to your family following diagnosis?


Diagnosed with autism on Monday this week at age 42. I am still trying to process this, I thought I would be relieved but mostly I'm just feeling overwhelmed at the moment. I haven't told anyone about the diagnosis yet, not even my husband. I'm feeling anxious about telling my family and not sure how I will cope with their reactions.

Just wondering how other people diagnosed as adults told their close family about their diagnosis? If it was me, I would want to be given all of the information in written form but not sure if this would be too much to start with. Any thoughts? 

  • I was diagnosed a year ago, 40s, and have yet to actually tell anyone in my family. Have told a few friends, boss and a few others at work, prob about 12 people in total. But not my family. Kinda wish I had before I got diagnosed as telling them now would involve discussion about why I have not told them before. Still in ostrich burying head in sand mode!

  • I was diagnosed a year ago, 40s, and have yet to actually tell anyone in my family. Have told a few friends, boss and a few others at work, prob about 12 people in total. But not my family. Kinda wish I had before I got diagnosed as telling them now would involve discussion about why I have not told them before. Still in ostrich burying head in sand mode!
