How did you 'come out' as autistic to your family following diagnosis?


Diagnosed with autism on Monday this week at age 42. I am still trying to process this, I thought I would be relieved but mostly I'm just feeling overwhelmed at the moment. I haven't told anyone about the diagnosis yet, not even my husband. I'm feeling anxious about telling my family and not sure how I will cope with their reactions.

Just wondering how other people diagnosed as adults told their close family about their diagnosis? If it was me, I would want to be given all of the information in written form but not sure if this would be too much to start with. Any thoughts? 

  • Hi Biblio44,

    Well done on getting all the information together and going through the assessment process and finding out.

    I found out age 53, having suspected since 51.  I made a policy decision that it was not my close bio family's business.  Life, work career etc had moved us to different parts of the country and we were not the fam,oly which is always in each others company etc (I suspect we all plot somewhere on the spectrum)

    Two close friends were taken into my confidence.  They had provided background information for the assessment so it was only fair tot hem.

  • Hi Biblio44,

    Well done on getting all the information together and going through the assessment process and finding out.

    I found out age 53, having suspected since 51.  I made a policy decision that it was not my close bio family's business.  Life, work career etc had moved us to different parts of the country and we were not the fam,oly which is always in each others company etc (I suspect we all plot somewhere on the spectrum)

    Two close friends were taken into my confidence.  They had provided background information for the assessment so it was only fair tot hem.

  • I think as long as someone else knows (eg your two close friends or for me my husband) then maybe it is possible to keep the diagnosis a private matter. It is still early days for me, but I feel it might be easier not to tell too many people.