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Do you run your own business?

My work life has reached a point where I am struggling and it is looking likely I will have to leave my job.  Due to worsening health and other issues, I don't think I can deal with highly demanding and stressful roles anymore, as it is putting too much strain on my health.

I have always wanted to run my own business as part of my stresses are sticking points within companies and politics that prevent you from getting on with the job.

I was curious if any of you run your own businesses and whether they provide a good income for you (don't have to give specifics as I appreciate that is private).

It's an idea I am mulling over, I just have worries about whether I will be able to cope and will my health let me down - so it is something I am going to have to think hard about.

We are a varied bunch, so I am interested to hear your stories for some inspiration.  Why did you decide to take the leap into running your own business.  Was it what you expected?

  • Hi, I don't currently run my own business, but i'm working on it. I was very much in the same frame of mind as yourself, I can't deal with corporate bull... it stresses me out. I started looking online for ways to make money without working for someone else, I came across a youtube channel by someone called Samuel Leeds. I watched a lot of the videos and decided that is what I wanted to do. It is a channel that shows people how they can be financially free in property, I appreciate you may not want to do that, I just thought it may give you ideas and show you what is possible!

    Hope everything works out for you and you find something that refuces your stress levels

  • I do wonder how much we could achieve as a community if we didn't have to navigate and juggle the daily BS and politics.  It seems to be a common theme for us all.  Your idea sounds very interesting.  I would definitely watch that!  Were you thinking of creating videos and going down the Patreon route and including YouTube ads on your videos?

  • When I became a team leader it took a while to realise it was possible to make the job work for me, I was able to task member's of the team to take the more 'people interactive' projects while I could work on technical projects and not have to deal with people I don't know so much. I won't pretend being a senior leader isn't stressful but in different way which I find slightly easier to manage. Unfortunately when you rely on a decent wage there aren't many options!

  • I completely agree.  In previous roles, I have had more colleagues to delegate these sorts of tasks to, but in my current role, my team is me and one other, which means we have large workloads constantly and I no longer can delegate the things I struggle with as it is not fair on the other person who already has a stack of work to do.  This is the one thing I miss, having a team to support me whilst I focus on more technical and strategic projects.

  • I completely agree.  In previous roles, I have had more colleagues to delegate these sorts of tasks to, but in my current role, my team is me and one other, which means we have large workloads constantly and I no longer can delegate the things I struggle with as it is not fair on the other person who already has a stack of work to do.  This is the one thing I miss, having a team to support me whilst I focus on more technical and strategic projects.

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