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Do you run your own business?

My work life has reached a point where I am struggling and it is looking likely I will have to leave my job.  Due to worsening health and other issues, I don't think I can deal with highly demanding and stressful roles anymore, as it is putting too much strain on my health.

I have always wanted to run my own business as part of my stresses are sticking points within companies and politics that prevent you from getting on with the job.

I was curious if any of you run your own businesses and whether they provide a good income for you (don't have to give specifics as I appreciate that is private).

It's an idea I am mulling over, I just have worries about whether I will be able to cope and will my health let me down - so it is something I am going to have to think hard about.

We are a varied bunch, so I am interested to hear your stories for some inspiration.  Why did you decide to take the leap into running your own business.  Was it what you expected?

  • Yes I do. I had wanted to be self employed for many years whilst still in the UK, never felt there was quite demand enough for the various things I was trying to do to cobble enough to clear rent and bills every month. Then there was a second recession in the early 90's that put paid to all of that. Then I took a TESOL course. I have been self employed abroad since 2000 now.

    For a lot of these I was never really own boss, but a subcontracted for a revolving door of language schools. You are dropped at once if someone decides your face doesn't fit, I used to fall foul of dress codes especially, which I found really petty.  Overall, it could be thankless and did I say thankless, low paid, high taxes and early starts which meant chronic sleep deprivation. 

    Now, more students come to me and I work more often with children. So it does feel a lot more line being my own boss. Another thing with schools is all the dogmatism over teaching methods and do on. 

    Oibam trying to find more room and investment for my creative activities as an artist now, there it can be hard to get the marvellous Name, especially if first degree is not in Art. But now there are no bullying client advisors to worry about, there is a day job, there is a little more money from an inheritance, so there is more ability to bargain. Algorithms on print on demand websites can be hard to crack though.

    For me, the main thing was to be absolutely sure there was enough of a demand for at least one service on offer. That would be my best suggestion. 

  • Sounds like you have found a nice compromise.  I would like to start focusing on my creative hobbies more such as making music and art.  I have a degree in art and feel it is being wasted as I don't really use it unless I need to be creative in my work or sketch up designs.  This is the sort of work balance I am looking for.

  • Sounds like you have found a nice compromise.  I would like to start focusing on my creative hobbies more such as making music and art.  I have a degree in art and feel it is being wasted as I don't really use it unless I need to be creative in my work or sketch up designs.  This is the sort of work balance I am looking for.
