How much fruit do you eat?

I have a short attention span sometimes. I'm wondering if it's the natural sugars in fruit doing it. I read 25 pages of an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel last night but for me that's a really long haul. On average I only manage a short chapter or two a day at the most.

  • Fruit does have quite high sugar content, so it could be the sugar? How much fruit do you eat? I stick to one or two pieces a day (maybe an apple and a handful of blueberries) and try to have something like cherry tomatoes instead if I wanted more fruit, just because of the sugar content. Fruit does have a lot of vitamins though so I wouldn't worry too much (unless you're eating like 20 oranges a day or something. .. : p )

  • I've been regularly eating 2-4 apples a day, or 2 apples and a pack of grapes a day. I suspect it is too much sugar.

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