Autism and Midwifery

So I was really lucky and I got on the midwifery program at my local university. I really struggled and everything became too much. When my dad had a serious car accident I used this as a reason to escape as I was just so overwhelmed! Unbeknownst to me my autism was the reason for this and I just felt I needed to go back to what I knew because midwifery was new and so scary I couldn’t cope. Is it possible to go back and be successful??  Thoughts?? 

  • If midwifery is what you want to do, you should go for it, 

    you could be entitled to support through the university if you let them know your diagnosis 

    let me know how you get on, I've always wanted t be a nurse, I did start a course but then my eating disorder got in the way (I didn't have  my diagnosis at the time) what's stopping me go back to it, is the fact I think it's a require on the course to do night shifts and I know from previous experience that night shifts are not for me as I ended up in A and E with severe physical and mental exhaustion 

  • If midwifery is what you want to do, you should go for it, 

    you could be entitled to support through the university if you let them know your diagnosis 

    let me know how you get on, I've always wanted t be a nurse, I did start a course but then my eating disorder got in the way (I didn't have  my diagnosis at the time) what's stopping me go back to it, is the fact I think it's a require on the course to do night shifts and I know from previous experience that night shifts are not for me as I ended up in A and E with severe physical and mental exhaustion 
