Assessment tomorrow!!

I've posted before under a NAS username and told myself I wouldnt post on here again until I chose a new username, then I couldn't decide what to call myself so I just didn't post. Sorry. I promise I'll contribute more now rather than just asking for support from you all all the time. 

Having said I am posting for support again! I have my assessment tomorrow and I'm getting very, very nervous. I've gone back and forth a lot over the past 3 years about whether I am autistic or not and I'm currently feeling that I am not and that I'm probably just a hypochondriac/drama queen who wishes neurodevelopmental disorders on herself. 

I haven't done any prep work like sending in reams of info about myself, etc, even though I really wanted to, because I felt like it would just stress me out more. I've decided just to go along, answer the questions, do the tests and see what happens. 

I'm sure a lot of you felt like this about your assessments? What did you do that helped? What helped calm any assessment anxieties? 

  • Hi There, Good luck for your assessment tomorrow!

    I think it's probably quite normal to worry that you are nor really autistic and are just imagining it right before the assessment, I know I did. I think it's probably just part of the pre-assessment nerves. As long as you answer honestly then I'm sure you'll be fine.

    I don't very often get nervous about things but I was really anxious prior to and during my assessment. I had two assessments on the same day, ADOS first then an appointment with the Psychiatrist to go through my previous medical and life history. I just about got through the ADOS ok but then had nearly an hour wait in between the two appointments. I just about managed to stave off having a full scale meltdown in the waiting room by doing breathing exercises and trying to distract myself by playing word crossy on my phone, I still ended up in floods of tears when I was in with the Psychiatrist though! My best advice would be to try to distract yourself between now and the assessment, if you are able to do so.

  • An hour wait is a long time! I know we'll have breaks tomorrow but I'm hoping not for that long! Although a full scale meltdown mid-assessment would be a very clear indicator of asd!!

  • I hope that your assessment went ok and wasn't too stressful? Well yeah! Maybe I should have just gone with it rather than trying to 'manage' it!

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