The most excited I've ever been

Just musing on this (fairly short) list, all to do with anticipating (i.e. the few weeks before):

  • As a teenager, getting my first 125cc motorbike to replace my 50cc one
  • Xmas as a child when I knew I was getting electronic components or radio equipment
  • Getting my first digital watch when I was 9, and ringing "8081" to set the time to the nearest second!
  • Coming home from school to my *stereo FM* radio alarm clock
  • Starting grammar school (it wasn't really, but used to be and pretended it still was)
  • Maths lessons and physics lessons at school - especially doubles periods!
  • My car license test as a teenager
  • My degree results as a young adult
  • Moving house in my 20s & 30s
  • My motorbike test as an adult
  • Buying motorbike related stuff
  • Buying radio equipment
  • Buying camera equipment
  • My clinical interview for ASD in Feb 2019
  • My ADOS test in a couple of weeks' time
  • Maths lessons and physics lessons at school - especially doubles periods


    Why can't I think of anything? I'm drawing a blank - nothing stands out for me. I always thought I was a happy-go-lucky, naive youngster without a care in the world with lots of exciting times... It's clear as an adult that's how I wanted to be perceived but I still had fun. I've been happy and I can list the things I've done but I cannot think about excitement?

    (I'm not including becoming a father because that's an obvious one for me - maybe more associated with love and bloody worry!!)

  • Maths lessons and physics lessons at school - especially doubles periods


    Why can't I think of anything? I'm drawing a blank - nothing stands out for me. I always thought I was a happy-go-lucky, naive youngster without a care in the world with lots of exciting times... It's clear as an adult that's how I wanted to be perceived but I still had fun. I've been happy and I can list the things I've done but I cannot think about excitement?

    (I'm not including becoming a father because that's an obvious one for me - maybe more associated with love and bloody worry!!)

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