The most excited I've ever been

Just musing on this (fairly short) list, all to do with anticipating (i.e. the few weeks before):

  • As a teenager, getting my first 125cc motorbike to replace my 50cc one
  • Xmas as a child when I knew I was getting electronic components or radio equipment
  • Getting my first digital watch when I was 9, and ringing "8081" to set the time to the nearest second!
  • Coming home from school to my *stereo FM* radio alarm clock
  • Starting grammar school (it wasn't really, but used to be and pretended it still was)
  • Maths lessons and physics lessons at school - especially doubles periods!
  • My car license test as a teenager
  • My degree results as a young adult
  • Moving house in my 20s & 30s
  • My motorbike test as an adult
  • Buying motorbike related stuff
  • Buying radio equipment
  • Buying camera equipment
  • My clinical interview for ASD in Feb 2019
  • My ADOS test in a couple of weeks' time
  • I get excited about things. Sometimes small stuff. Life's not always sunshine and roses, but I find happiness in things.

    I like getting new equipment, plug-in's and the like. New watches always excite me. Got a 5000m waterproof watch, filled with oil recently. I'll never go that deep, but I like my watches to have something different. Wanted one of those since I found out they existed. The wait was exciting.

    I look forward to winter, cool and dark. Agrees with my senses.

    I look forward to seeing certain people too.

    An evening with a "happy ending" is always nice to look forward to also.

  • OMG yes you've reminded me - getting my first digital watch as a child! I'm going to update my list............

    Funnily enough I'm not that fussed about watches nowadays.

    The evening thing would get me excited (in a different way somehow) but it's fading from my life nowadays (wife not interested and antidepressants taking their toll on excitability!)

  • I got a James Bond watch once that played the music as a kid. It was just a cheap thing but I loved it. Still haven't moved past watches though. That watch was a gateway drug!

    My love life is hardly on fire at the moment! SSRI drugs are awful. It's not easy to have an ending happy or otherwise there. Seems like it takes forever! I was on a drug recently that killed my libido, but not anymore.

    Hopefully being happy, and more "happy endings" are around the corner for both of us!

  • Yeah, I think I'm lucky I'm not too frisky myself these days too! Less libido, less stress might be good in our case!

    Several times I've had to conclude that it's better to be happy with delayed E than miserable & lifeless, so the SSRIs win :-)

    You found a way to say when I couldn't! Delayed E! Was trying to put more eloquently, but my mind couldn't find a term! I'd rather have no sex than that, bloody hell, it is torture, for probably both partners when the SSRIs do their thing!

  • I told my counsellor a year or so ago about what I'd really *like* to happen sexually, and she said "I think you might have to move into a place of acceptance that that's not going to happen" which I believe translates as "You're 'avin a giraffe mate LOL!" :-) Having said that, for good or ill, I seem to have adjusted to the fact that my sex life is on the way out and less central in my life, and, actually, I think I'm OK with it.

    Several times I've had to conclude that it's better to be happy with delayed E than miserable & lifeless, so the SSRIs win :-)

  • I told my counsellor a year or so ago about what I'd really *like* to happen sexually, and she said "I think you might have to move into a place of acceptance that that's not going to happen" which I believe translates as "You're 'avin a giraffe mate LOL!" :-) Having said that, for good or ill, I seem to have adjusted to the fact that my sex life is on the way out and less central in my life, and, actually, I think I'm OK with it.

    Several times I've had to conclude that it's better to be happy with delayed E than miserable & lifeless, so the SSRIs win :-)

  • Yeah, I think I'm lucky I'm not too frisky myself these days too! Less libido, less stress might be good in our case!

    Several times I've had to conclude that it's better to be happy with delayed E than miserable & lifeless, so the SSRIs win :-)

    You found a way to say when I couldn't! Delayed E! Was trying to put more eloquently, but my mind couldn't find a term! I'd rather have no sex than that, bloody hell, it is torture, for probably both partners when the SSRIs do their thing!