The most excited I've ever been

Just musing on this (fairly short) list, all to do with anticipating (i.e. the few weeks before):

  • As a teenager, getting my first 125cc motorbike to replace my 50cc one
  • Xmas as a child when I knew I was getting electronic components or radio equipment
  • Getting my first digital watch when I was 9, and ringing "8081" to set the time to the nearest second!
  • Coming home from school to my *stereo FM* radio alarm clock
  • Starting grammar school (it wasn't really, but used to be and pretended it still was)
  • Maths lessons and physics lessons at school - especially doubles periods!
  • My car license test as a teenager
  • My degree results as a young adult
  • Moving house in my 20s & 30s
  • My motorbike test as an adult
  • Buying motorbike related stuff
  • Buying radio equipment
  • Buying camera equipment
  • My clinical interview for ASD in Feb 2019
  • My ADOS test in a couple of weeks' time
  • I'm always surprised at the length of time it seems to take for a lot of people, especially those who really want to get diagnosed, for me it was 3 months from when the question was raised and I wasn't even asking for it, sometimes I wonder if that was normal?

  • Some people get assessed really quickly, some don’t. One of my friends was referred for assessment by his GP last week, he’s already had the interim assessment by the Mental Health team and is due to start the ASD assessment in a couple of weeks time. I’ll go with him to the assessment to be supportive if his parents can’t make it. I had a 6 month wait myself and got a verbal diagnosis the same day, which is a short wait compared to the majority. It’s not uncommon for people to wait years for an assessment and the assessment process seems so drawn out in some places!

  • That's shocking having to wait that long.....

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