
So I'm 32 and a massive procrastinator, to the point where i literally do nothing, I'm not working and even though i'm married i'm living back with my parents(long story) this leads to a lot of problems, every one thinking and telling me i'm lazy, my physical heath is deteriorating as i don't do any exercise, don't eat properly and my personal hygiene is terrible but i can't help myself but to do nothing. I have no motivation to do anything even though i don't like being this way. I also fail at anything i put my mind too, which leads to another issue that is crippling, professionalism. If i really put my mind to something i have to get it perfect which i then neglect stuff even more and get exhausted and if i fail at said task i then beat myself up and convince myself that im stupid and useless which then makes me procrastinate. It's a violent circle that im ultimately stuck in. Im not even sure why i'm writing this post, like i don't know what im expecting to gain from writing it or what im really asking. What i will say is i hate and i mean i HATE! being called laz. God i wanna go out in the "real world" and be "normal", I want to be healthy and fit, I want to go out on days with the wife doing "normal" things like pubs, going out for food, walks, etc but i just can't. Now i feel like im rambling, don't even know what im writing but yea, i wrote it.  

  • Could you try to find if there are some external factors that might help? Like a promise with a friend/spouse/family member to go out with them - since it's a promise there will be lots of motivation to keep the promise. Or maybe you could give yourself a reward for going out - like going out to get your favourite food, but you need to walk to the place. Or maybe something like announce you'll post a success story of doing 30 min exercise on this forum next week, which could be another possible way to motive yourself. 

  • Could you try to find if there are some external factors that might help? Like a promise with a friend/spouse/family member to go out with them - since it's a promise there will be lots of motivation to keep the promise. Or maybe you could give yourself a reward for going out - like going out to get your favourite food, but you need to walk to the place. Or maybe something like announce you'll post a success story of doing 30 min exercise on this forum next week, which could be another possible way to motive yourself. 
