Making friends and relationships with Aspergers

Hi All 

Im new to this forum I was diagnosed with mild Aspergers at about 15 years old I'm now nearly 30. I have struggled throughout my life from primary school to the present day. I have no friends or girlfriend

live at home with my parents and work 3 days a week as a gardener. I feel so isolated the only social time I have is with my parents and the one person I work with and that is all. I need to make a change as its driving me mad.

  • Although they fill a bit of time, I've found on-line relationships added to my feelings of isolation and loneliness. Have you tried joining local meet up clubs, for example, I used to belong to a cycling club. I'm a slow burner when it comes to friendships so need to talk to people over a sustained period before I feel likeable to start inviting them to social activities with me. Therefore, although the first few months can feel like a hassle (especially as I tend to feel out of place) if you do join an activity that you like I feel the key to making friends is turning up again and again over a sustained period. 

  • I have joined meetup but there are no clubs of interest to me in my area 

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