Protesting against Donald Trump


I wonder if anyone on the spectrum is planning to protest against Donald trump's planed visit in June? I would like to show how much I do not agree with his politics but am worried as I suffer with noise sensitivity so will pack the ear defenders. it would be nice to be around people on the spectrum for support. Thank you.

  • Hello all, yes this was a genuine post and I am sorry to have brought up so many different opinions. I will have to plan more about going to any planned protests but I feel it is important to voice my opinions.

  • Don’t worry NAS7898, the feelings/opinions were already there and it’s good that you brought it up as it is important that you get to express yourself and your opinions, it’s very important, and as I said previously and as others have said, just plan ahead, have an escape route for if things get too hectic and plan for recovery time as well and I’m sure it will all be fine. Just know before hand that’s it’s probably going to be stressful but we can’t avoid all stressful situations but we can plan for them. So think about food and drink as well, keeping warm/keeping cool, that sort of thing and have somebody with you, if you can, who is aware that you may need to escape without a moments notice and plan your down time and processing time for after the event. And be proud of yourself and never sorry, for expressing what’s important to you. I trust you will have a good day and it won’t be too much for you. 

  • Don’t worry NAS7898, the feelings/opinions were already there and it’s good that you brought it up as it is important that you get to express yourself and your opinions, it’s very important, and as I said previously and as others have said, just plan ahead, have an escape route for if things get too hectic and plan for recovery time as well and I’m sure it will all be fine. Just know before hand that’s it’s probably going to be stressful but we can’t avoid all stressful situations but we can plan for them. So think about food and drink as well, keeping warm/keeping cool, that sort of thing and have somebody with you, if you can, who is aware that you may need to escape without a moments notice and plan your down time and processing time for after the event. And be proud of yourself and never sorry, for expressing what’s important to you. I trust you will have a good day and it won’t be too much for you. 

  • ... and I can’t imagine what the world would be like if we didn’t have the opportunity  to air our views and opinions ~ it’s what makes our world what it is. And I for one value and appreciate anybody who takes an interest in politics because it’s all a bit too much for me, so I rely on others getting involved to inform me, so regardless of a person’s views, if they’re interested in politics and especially to the degree they take a stand, I support them and I particularly love people who can separate the politics from the person ~ thank you Pray tone3 ~ you make my world a better place Heartbeat

    In my night time awakeness last night, I was messing  on the computer and a news item popped up, which I never usually click on, but I did last night and it said that the government in Russia are stopping their internet being connected to the outside world, despite a very low percentage of the people agreeing to it.

    That’s the kind of world we get when people don’t like, welcome, celebrate and encourage different views, opinions and lifestyles. You go girl (or boy Relaxed) and make no apologies ~ even if our opinions etc change, so what, we have a right and an absolute necessity to express ourselves, just where we are, at any given time. That’s how we learn, understand and grow Two hearts

  • Thank you BlueRay,  I appreciate your kind advice and will plan ahead should I go to London. I agree, we should all stand up for our views and opinions. I do not wish to upset people or offend, not even Trump. I dislike his politics, not the person.