Protesting against Donald Trump


I wonder if anyone on the spectrum is planning to protest against Donald trump's planed visit in June? I would like to show how much I do not agree with his politics but am worried as I suffer with noise sensitivity so will pack the ear defenders. it would be nice to be around people on the spectrum for support. Thank you.

  • I’m on the other end of the spectrum and would love to meet him. I’ve followed him for years, long before he began his presidency campaign, and although I don’t follow him too closely at present, I do get updated with what he’s doing and he blows my mind with what he’s attempting to do, which is never spoke about in the media. I would definitely make sure you have supportive people with you though and an easy exit route should things get too much, as he seems to stir up a lot of emotions in people so it could get a bit hectic, but with good planning and preparation etc and  if you’ve got some good friends with you who are willing to support you, then it will probably still be quite stressful but if it’s important to you, then I would say, plan well, prepare for recovery and go for it. 

  • he blows my mind with what he’s attempting to do, which is never spoke about in the media

    Speak about it, please.  Give us the low-down on his great plans.

  • I’m not sure I can speak confidently enough about his plans and do them justice, at present,  as my mind is currently focused on my course work and my autism and learning how to make the most of it, which is a lot of hard work and takes up a lot of my energy, but no politician to date has even attempted to achieve what he’s doing right now. He’s an amazing man, very generous, kind, a tea totaler, very committed to his religious beliefs, a great communicator and businessman and so much more and he was loved and admired by most of America before he became a politician. He was a public figure long before he became a politician and nobody accused him then of the things they now accuse him of. I was recently updated on what he’s doing and honestly, it blows my mind and if he pulls it off, the whole world will soon know about it, unless the media manages to keep that out of the papers as well or do what the media does best and only report snippets and from one or two particular angles. Besides, I thought we had established that my way of communicating doesn’t meet with yours, you think I twist your words etc so I don’t think this, or any other topic to be fair, is good for you and I to discuss. I’m not quite sure why you would speak to me at all really, when you think I twist your words and after you made it quite clear that you end conversations when you no longer wish to continue and that’s not a basis on which I communicate with people as the power imbalance in that type of communication doesn’t suit me. Maybe somebody else can update you. 

  • Still doesn’t make any sense and you do not say why you put it up in the first place. Your choice but seemed to be putting some kind of point across?

     I wanted to understand your thinking as I like to be enlightened before making a decision about things. 

    Take care, 

  • Russian Gobbledegook. See other thread. Keep all comments together ready to be easily deleted. 

    Politics is a load of gobbledygook to me too. 

  • “RVW said “Малевал диод жир др д ради длит

    The malevolent diode gyr dr d is working on the dlit “

    is that Serbian again?

    makes no sense like other things here!

  • I suggest you start to look into Carbon Credits and the billions of $$$ disappearing. 

    CC is now a religion for politicians all stealing money from the taxpayers - like HM Queen being given the seabed land in our waters - so all offshore windfarms pay their ground rent to her - and we pay over the odds for this 'green' energy.  Nice earner if you can get it.

    China is still building dirty coal fired power stations - while we close our 'clean' ones to artificially inflate our electricity prices.  Crazy.   It's really way too much to type here.

    I could go on and on - but, as you say, most people 'know' the facts so there's no point being rational.

  • Maybe he would prefer a discussion, not an argument? I know I would. I don’t understand why people want to argue, I just don’t understand it. My logical brain can’t find any logic in it but that’s not to say it’s wrong or anything, just that some of us prefer not to argue. I trust you’ll find somebody on the same wavelength as you and that you can enjoy a good argument - I’m presuming the person you find to argue with will have to be in support of the big man, for it to work Shrug tone1 ???? Or maybe not, I’m not sure how these things work. Best of luck though. 

  • Says the man who knows.  Can't argue with the man who knows. 

    'Cos he knows, y'know.

  • Climate change - a huge scam

    That really says everything I need to hear, thank you. 

     Broad generalisations about most people in the UK not knowing the truth.  Certainties about most Americans based on a kind of ipse dixit argument along the lines of 'I go out there a lot, so I know.'  And someone who dismisses climate change as a scam.

    I think the problem with this issue, as with so many others (Brexit comes to mind!) is that there are no grey areas in people's thinking.  No doubts.  You're for it or you're against it.  You love him or you hate him.  And everyone will come up with their arguments to support their positions and counter the other arguments, and so on and on and on and on it will go.  No one will look to discuss the complexities and finer points and head towards some kind of truth or consensus.  All people will do is bring up more things to justify their opinions and counter the others, and keep their entrenched positions against all costs, because concession = humiliation.

    At the end of the day - media distortions and everything else aside - people just believe what it suits them to believe.  It's about money in your pocket now.  Or it's about a future for your kids.  It's the economy.  It's social justice.  It's immigration.  It's diversity and multiculturalism.  These arguments never get anywhere at all.  So I agree with Pixiefox, it's probably a good idea not to get involved.  Better things to do with our time.  Than argue and argue (and I accept my role in it), which takes no one any closer to anything, except high blood pressure.  There's an old saying, that can be applied in a broader context, that you will never persuade a person to believe something if their salary (or self-esteem) depends upon them not believing it.  We all have our interests to protect.  Even if it's simply what we choose to believe is the 'truth'.  Cognitive dissonance, anyone?

    So carry on.

    And this isn't backing out because I can't argue my points and provide my own evidence (rather than hearsay from friends or generalisations).  It's backing out because it's pointless.  Believe what you will and do what you will.  And have fun.

  • Climate change - a huge scam

    That really says everything I need to hear, thank you. 

     Broad generalisations about most people in the UK not knowing the truth.  Certainties about most Americans based on a kind of ipse dixit argument along the lines of 'I go out there a lot, so I know.'  And someone who dismisses climate change as a scam.

    I think the problem with this issue, as with so many others (Brexit comes to mind!) is that there are no grey areas in people's thinking.  No doubts.  You're for it or you're against it.  You love him or you hate him.  And everyone will come up with their arguments to support their positions and counter the other arguments, and so on and on and on and on it will go.  No one will look to discuss the complexities and finer points and head towards some kind of truth or consensus.  All people will do is bring up more things to justify their opinions and counter the others, and keep their entrenched positions against all costs, because concession = humiliation.

    At the end of the day - media distortions and everything else aside - people just believe what it suits them to believe.  It's about money in your pocket now.  Or it's about a future for your kids.  It's the economy.  It's social justice.  It's immigration.  It's diversity and multiculturalism.  These arguments never get anywhere at all.  So I agree with Pixiefox, it's probably a good idea not to get involved.  Better things to do with our time.  Than argue and argue (and I accept my role in it), which takes no one any closer to anything, except high blood pressure.  There's an old saying, that can be applied in a broader context, that you will never persuade a person to believe something if their salary (or self-esteem) depends upon them not believing it.  We all have our interests to protect.  Even if it's simply what we choose to believe is the 'truth'.  Cognitive dissonance, anyone?

    So carry on.

    And this isn't backing out because I can't argue my points and provide my own evidence (rather than hearsay from friends or generalisations).  It's backing out because it's pointless.  Believe what you will and do what you will.  And have fun.

  • I suggest you start to look into Carbon Credits and the billions of $$$ disappearing. 

    CC is now a religion for politicians all stealing money from the taxpayers - like HM Queen being given the seabed land in our waters - so all offshore windfarms pay their ground rent to her - and we pay over the odds for this 'green' energy.  Nice earner if you can get it.

    China is still building dirty coal fired power stations - while we close our 'clean' ones to artificially inflate our electricity prices.  Crazy.   It's really way too much to type here.

    I could go on and on - but, as you say, most people 'know' the facts so there's no point being rational.