question about disclosing at work

I was wondering if anyone might have any experiences (either positive or negative) disclosing ASD to your boss/supervisor/line manager who is from the older generation?

Asperger Syndrome wasn't discovered until the mid-1900s, and wasn't really known of by most people until maybe the past 20 years or so. So it seems plausible that some people who are from an older generation might not have heard of ASD or know much about it. And because of this, it seems quite scary to tell a boss/supervisor/line manager who is in their 60s-70s that you have ASD, because it's something that didn't really exist in their time, so there's the worry that they might not believe it. I don't know if this kind of worry makes sense. I'm afraid they might just think you're not "trying hard enough" with the social stuff, rather than it's due to autism.

  • Before disclosing, I would really suggest to read the Equality Act carefully and reflect on the reasons you want to disclose and the line you are going to take.

    One need to read and understand the meaning of disability - doing  things differently, while achieving the same result.

    Note that one still need to be able to do the job, be qualified, have skills and qualities required by the job description. Otherwise they are in their right to dismiss. One need to be able to demonstrate that the disability does not prevent from performing the duties to the same results as others, but may require reasonable adjustments on the how we do it.

    There is a fine line on how to articulate the disclosure: what exactly are the daily activities that are impaired, how are they impaired and how it doesn't preclude from doing the job...but how it make us doing it differently, hence the need for reasonable adjustments. It is always a good idea to do some prior research to have examples of possible reasonable adjustments, to know what you want. 

    Disclosing is always risky as many already explained.

    I was at a stage once when I really wanted to disclose it even during application, to say this is who I am. A recruitment consultant dismissed the idea in horror and ridicule, saying it is not relevant, employers don't need to know that. They need to know that you are 'talent' and you are good at your job. This upset and disheartened me a lot. I felt invalidated and disempowered. But this is a glimpse of sad reality. There are a lot of people out there who do not fully embrace neurodiversity. 

    There were incidences where people disclosed and were dismissed for not disclosing earlier during application. This went to tribunal and I think was deemed to be discrimination. But it could happen.

    It makes sense to disclose if one need reasonable adjustments and if the dx explains some of the issues the employer has already noticed.

    It makes less sense do disclose just because... But then again, it is part of our identity, so unless we start pushing it right in the face of employers so to speak, there will continue to be the attitude that it is something to hide.

    It's your decision, but you want it to be informed and carefully thought through:)

  • Thank you, Tinyexplorer, for your advice! I agree with the points you listed. And thanks so much for listing the pros and cons and what to consider, it's really helpful to have them all listed out like that. 

    I will read the Equality Act and think carefully about disclosing. I agree it's risky, and that's one of the reasons I've been so hesitant. I guess one of the scary bits is that once you disclose, you can't un-disclose. 

    Thanks for sharing your experiences during application. I have heard similar stories about how employers will try to dismiss people who have a diagnosis. I agree it's sad reality. 

    In my case, I have already been in the place I work for a few years, so they know that I can do my job. But I struggle with other stuff, especially social stuff at work, and unexpected changes. I am thinking of disclosing because I would like some support and understanding. But I guess the problem now is that I've waited so many years. I feel it would be easier if I told them earlier.

    You're right, it's my decision, and I will have to be informed and think carefully about it. Thanks again for helping list out the things to consider.

  • The fact you have been doing a job for a number of years would show you are not incapable

    There are codes of practice as well as guidance on acts of parliament relating to employment and discrimination, and implementation and arguments about law is what makes lawyers wealthy.

    A blind taxi driver would not get a job, as it would be reasonable to expect a taxi driver to see.  However, this would not mean a taxi drivee on becoming blind would automatically get dismissed as it would be expected that attempts were made by the employer to find work to which they were suitable - in the operation centre for example. 

    Difficulties can arise even if you have been employed by the same employer for a large number of years.  My problems arose after fifteen years when my job was privatised and I was Tuped over.  I was given tasks unsuitable for me.  I was off work with anxiety and depression, and so sought a diagnosis for what I had suspected for a number of years.  I was on the cusp of being dismissed were it not for declaring my condition.

    Unless you are looking for some outrageous adjustment which is not reasonable, there is every reason a disclosure will help. Seek advice from your union if you are a member, the CAB, or Acas.  And think seriously about Access to Work, they helped me tremendously. 

  • Congratulations on getting Access to Work! Just curious, how long does it take between signing up and receiving support?

  • Signed up this week, should have done it sooner but the clusterF$%^ meant that responsibilities with my bullying damager and I were unknown (Thanks to some on here who pointed me in the right direction).  

    Started back to work this week and have already has a meltdown due to someone who is supposed to be a Mental Health First Aider who never saw the signs I gave before snapping.  The "Access to Work" focal point is in the picture with my perceptions/truth and has experienced similar in the past with other employers.  

    Point - How can it be that there is no power by the government agencies (DWP) to address the inequality that people with an undiagnosed/invisible disability/impairment/condition even where there is a legal precedent (Equality Act 2010)?

  • Signed up this week, should have done it sooner but the clusterF$%^ meant that responsibilities with my bullying damager and I were unknown (Thanks to some on here who pointed me in the right direction).  

    Started back to work this week and have already has a meltdown due to someone who is supposed to be a Mental Health First Aider who never saw the signs I gave before snapping.  The "Access to Work" focal point is in the picture with my perceptions/truth and has experienced similar in the past with other employers.  

    Point - How can it be that there is no power by the government agencies (DWP) to address the inequality that people with an undiagnosed/invisible disability/impairment/condition even where there is a legal precedent (Equality Act 2010)?
