Am I wrong to feel offended by...

Am I wrong in feeling offended that a task I've been performing for over a year has now been assigned to someone else, with someone other than myself supervising them?

Said supervisor hasn't consulted me and has disregarded my documentation / process.

Feels like a massive FU to me.

My work colleague tells me not to take it personally.

I'm growing tired of people spouting things like...

"Don't take it personally", "You're not the only one this affects", "I don't understand your problem", etc.

Management at work do my head in.

  • Hello Community Users,

    We have noticed that there has been some upset caused by some comments made in this thread.

    The community forum is a space for users to share their thoughts and feelings, but we would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of rule 4 of our community:

    "Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; however, insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated."


    Ayshe Mod

  • To be honest i am surprised at how this thing runs. Firstly there is no report to moderator function, secondly there seems to be no moderation. I am a member and moderator of an electronics forum. It runs SMF software, if anyone has a concern they click a report to moderator link on the post in question and all moderators get an email. i am in the UK, the site owner is in Australia so we have virtual 24 hour coverage, spammers last from minutes to a couple of hours tops and arguments are intervened into very quikly and settled.

    I also find the general running of this forum odd. The multhread nature of erm, threads is confusing. I never understand forums that allow threads in threads. It's confusing and unless you get a proper notification of each reply you will never find it. I had to hunt for yours. I don't get this latest fad and fosion for forums. Decades old software like SMF and phpBB and all the others are single thread, you have clear sections and each topic is a single thread making the dicussion clearer and keeps things on topic. Yes it means you need a seperate site install for these (free) forum systems because they run as their own entity but I take that insignificant drawback as a non issue when I see the utter mess people make by having a forum integrated into their main site template or worse use the awful stuff that gets integrated into wordpress.

    A forum is quite a complex beast of it's own, to have it integrated into the main site is madness. I also note that this forum is very slow at times. The one i moderate while not being massive runs across 3 different servers in order to remain stable and responsive.

  • This forum is full of danger guys

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