Do you ever feel guilty?

Do you ever feel guilty because of your behaviour due to your autism? I'm not really thinking extreme behaviour, more the little things.

I'm asking this because the other day I saw my parents for the first time in a while. I spent the whole time I saw them waffling on about myself and things I wanted to talk about. Afterwards I realised that it hadn't occurred to me to ask them how they were or what they'd been doing. I felt a bit bad when I realised this. I don't want them to think I don't care. I feel quite selfish when this happens but its not because I don't care about them and their lives. It just never occurred to me to ask and I find conversations about other people hard to keep going.

Do other people have situations like this and then feel guilty?

  • Guilt can be a very constructive thing in the right circumstances.

    it can help one think about what has caused a problem and things that can be done to make amends.  Having no guilt at all can be the sign of a psychopath.

    having a guilty feeling about your parents is totally rational.  You are relecting on what you consider you should have done in order to try not to do the same thing again. And that is the way to go forward. It may sound ibvious, but what you may be showing is an autistic trait, in getting overwhelmed by a situation, perhaps not in a serious way, and there is too much information. And to do something else would be a form of masking.

    You could think about things to ask them first and then ask them early in the conversation. It might need a bit of rehearsal and forgetting things but behaviour like this can be learned. Don't forget that you r parents know what you are like, this is n't a new thing to them. They did bring you up.

    Just don't get obsessive about the guilt for too long. Reflect, think about a solution and try to apply the solution.

    i say and do silly things and feel guilty. I will even admit to things I havent done and feel guilty for this. But a period of reflection the feeling goes away after a few days.

  • Guilt can be a very constructive thing in the right circumstances.

    When balanced, it's like a compass.

Reply Children
  • I used to but I gave it up. Feeling guilty is destructive.

    Which is why she can say what she likes and never feel any guilt about it.  Accuse someone of being a mother-beater one day, post about how great her life is the next  - with no sense of hurting someone intentionally, which she claims never to do.

    Open your eyes, BlueRay-lovers.  Here is a person who doesn't give a single f**k about your feelings - unless you no longer support her, in which case she'll abuse you to the ends of the earth with not a single shred of remorse.

    And yes... this does need to be continually brought up.  Otherwise, other people will fall under her spell, be manipulated by the rubbish she speaks, and end up damaged as a result.