Mother’s Day

My username shows that I have had enough with sending cards just because tradition says a particular date has come round again.

Now it’s mother’s day & it’s nagging at me. I do not want to send anything to my mother. Yet I often cave in because I feel so guilty if I don’t.

Anyone else get this?

i have a particular issue with my mum as I feel she has never properly listened to me and when she did listen she always made it about her. I don’t know if it’s possible that my personality makes me see her as a narcissist (only two other people agree) but that’s how I see her.

i don’t want to give in!

  • Hallmark Day. 

    Guilted into wasting a ton of cash on overpriced flowers/chocolates and a ludicrously priced bit of card.   I hate all these things too.  We've always encouraged our daughter not to bother - and to show appreciation of people close to her at other times when she's not getting fleeced - but only if she really wants to.

    I always remember my mother treating it like a second birthday and my narcissistic sister always trying to out-do everyone to prove her 'love'.  Weird.

  • Hallmark Day. 

    Guilted into wasting a ton of cash on overpriced flowers/chocolates and a ludicrously priced bit of card.   I hate all these things too.  We've always encouraged our daughter not to bother - and to show appreciation of people close to her at other times when she's not getting fleeced - but only if she really wants to.

    I always remember my mother treating it like a second birthday and my narcissistic sister always trying to out-do everyone to prove her 'love'.  Weird.

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